Emi finds the straw hats

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Emi and the others ran like hell to the village. Once there the townspeople were shocked, they hadn't seen these people in months or even years. " S- Sarah is that you darling?" An old man croaked out.

Sarah quickly looked over to see her husband, joy erupted through running into his arms. " Oh my love! How I missed you! " She cried out kissing her husband all over the face.

" I NEED THE STRAW HAT PIRATES! PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME WHERE THEY ARE!" Emi yelled out. Everyone was ignoring her they were too focused on everyone else. The little girl began to cry, no one would help her, they all ignored her. Could they have already forgotten about Inez? Surely not, she saved them. How? How could they forget so easily. Inez risked her life for them and now she's in trouble, and everyone forgot about her. How could they?!

" PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME! I NEED THE STRAW HAT PIRATES! " She begged and begged but still got ignored. She fell to her knees and began to cry, why? Why would no one listen to her?

Then she felt a soft hand on her shoulder, she looked up to see a kind woman. The woman wiped the girls tears away and picked her up.
The woman carried her to a small house, once inside the woman sat Emi on the counter of what appeared to be the kitchen. " So you're looking for the Straw hats?" The woman asked.

" Yes! I need Straw Hat Luffy! Inez said that it's her captain! I need to save her! She's the one who saved all of us!" Emi cried out.

The woman flinched at the name, Inez. " D- did you say Inez?" The woman asked.

" Yes! She saved all of us! And I need to save her, she's in danger!"

The woman looked up tears in the corner of her eyes. " You saw Inez?!" The woman began to cry, just thinking about Inez made her cry, but someone actually saying they saw her made her so happy yet so worried.

The door burst open and revealed a man, a man with a straw hat.


Short little filler chapter.

I'm so so happy the story is at 1k views!!! Thank you all so so much!

Hope you enjoyed this small chapter! <3

Word count: 388

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