The whereabouts of Blood Killer Akari

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" She's missing..." Robin's whole world fell apart, the one person she really connected too was gone, just like that. Tears plunged at the corner of her eyes, she then ran outside calling out to her.

The rest of the crew did the same, running up and down the streets calling out to her. " INEZ MY DEAR WHERE ARE!? I SWEAR WHEN I FIND THE PERSON WHO HURT YOU, THEIR GONNA PAY!" Sanji was ragging with anger,he was going to find whoever hurt Inez.

" COME ON INEZ THIS ISN'T FUNNY! " Ussop called out. " WHAT IF SHE'S HURT, AND DOESN'T HAVE ANYONE TO TEND TO HER WOUNDS!" Chopper who was now freaking out even worse, due to the fact that one of his friends could be severely injured.

They met back up in the center of the street asking questions all at once. Nami who finally somewhat calmed every down started to ask Luffy where she was last seen. " Luffy you were the last person with her, where was she last seen?" Nami's voice was a little shaky since her adrenaline was high from the the recent stress.

" We were by the um.. " he stopped and really thought about where they were last, " oh! That little book store! We were walking past it and she walked off and that's when I last saw her." Luffy thought back to what happened trying to remember anything.

" Okay let's start there." Nami said desperately

Luffy was leading the group to where Inez was last seen, once they got there they looked around for anything.
Luffy had looked in the spot where he had found her bracelet and only found blood. " This is where I found her bracelet, and there's only blood here." He said worried.

" Oh no... What if she's hurt really bad?! What if we never see her again?!" Robin was freaking out at this point, Nami came over to her and calmed her down.
" I know she's special to you but we'll find her, okay? It's gonna take some time, this island is huge, and trust me she can handle herself." Nami held Robin's hands up looking her in the eyes telling her that it's going to be okay.
Robin could see the moonlight reflect in her eyes and knew she meant what she said. Robin nodded and wiped away the tears, " How are we supposed to find her if we have no idea where she went?"
Asked Ussop.

" Easy, we follow the blood. " Zoro said pointing down to the blood trail.

" Oh..." Ussop felt dumb for not realizing that they could just follow the blood trail. " I didn't think about that."

" Obviously." Sanji said lighting his cigarette

" Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!" Said Ussop angrily.

" Exactly what I said." Replied Sanji taking in a long puff from his cigarette.

" Guys we have more important things to worry about, like finding Inez." Nami said pushing the two apart.

Luffy had already started to follow the blood while the others had to catch up to him.

It was dark and cold, too cold. As she eyes open everything was blurry, once her vision focused she sat up but immediately regretted it. Her head hurt bad, she reached her hand for her head and winced when she touched it. She brought her fingers down and realized she was bleeding from her head. When Inez tried to stand her knees wobbled, but was unable to stand up fully. She looked down to see her ankles were chained, what the hell? She thought, she looked around trying to see if there was any sign of escape.

There wasn't....

Inez could barely move, must be sea prism handcuffs she thought.

There was a small light that lit the room, still Inez could barely see. The light had a yellow tinge to it, cold concrete floor that caused Inez to have goosebumps.
The smell in the room was unbearable, death, death is what it smelt like. A smell to fimilar go the girl chained to the wall.

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