Getting everyone out

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With Inez and Terror

Terror beat Inez for countless hours, yet she still sat there not saying a single word.
" TELL ME WHAT YOUR MOTHER KNOWS!" He yelled out in anger.

" N- no you stupid bastard..... YOU'LL NEVER KNOW WHAT MY MOTHER KNEW!" Inez took up all of her strength to get those words out.
This angered Terror, " So you wanna play this game?"

Inez's head hung low, he grabbed her hair lifting her head up to his face. " I'll tell you about your father." He grinned. Inez's eyes opened wide.

" Captain Kurogane... That's your father. Yes he's a pirate. "

Inez sat there in shock from what she had just heard.

" So... My father is Kurogane?..." She asked.

" Indeed... But that's not important, I want you to tell me everything your mother knows."

She sighed, " Seriously how many times do I have to tell you, I'm not telling you anything."

This angered Terror, he picked her up by her throat pushing her against the wall. " You think you're funny, huh?"

" I don't think, I know I'm funny." She grinndd at him, knowing it pissed him off.

He threw her across the room and started laughing. " Now who's the funny one?!" He laughed out.

" Still not you bastard." Inez spat.

" If you tell me what your mother knows, then I'll tell you more about your father.."

" Hell no, I'm not giving up my mom's secrets just to know about my dad. That's a shitty deal. " She smriked.

Their conversation was cut off with the a knock. The door opened and it was one of the guards. " Um sir, there's some people here who want to see you. "

Terror sighed, " You stay here, were not finished. " He pointed at Inez

" Like I can go anywhere." She mumbled.

Terror walked out locking the door behind him. " So who wants to see me?!" He questioned the guard.

" Well Sir were not sure but we think it may be just some random from the village."

Inez sat in the dim lit room in pain. When she looked over at the door she noticed that it was slightly open. Filled with more hope she stood up and ran for it, Terror hadn't locked her chains all the way she noticed. Wait.

What if this was a trap? What if he did bad things to her if she got out? She pushed those thoughts out of her head and made a run for it. She had half of the castle construction mapped out in her head. For some reason it would always change when she went to the room. She thought maybe it had something to do with Terror's powers. The inside of the castle looked like a jungle or forest, but for some reason everyday it would change.

She noticed that it had only changed three times, and now it looked the same as it was the first day. She walked down the long stretch of hallway that was covered in greenery. It was a beautiful sight but knowing it came from terror made her cringe.

Then suddenly the ground started to shift, cracking. She started to run with what little energy she had not knowing where she was going. As she was running she saw a door and quickly opened it and hid.

She needed a plan, one where she could escape without being caught, and being able to get everyone out. Where the other townspeople were, wasn't too far. But how long would it take her with her injuries. She wouldn't make it that far with her condition, should she gather everyone up first or go get help? What if she can't make it in time for everyone to escape? She needed to act fast, so she quietly opened the door and made a run for the others. She ran as fast as she could using all of her strength.

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