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The commander of the ship snatched a gun from one of the Marines and aimed it at Inez, then fired......






Inez fell to the ground, blood splattering everywhere. She had been shot. Maybe this was the end of Blood Killer Akari.
Or was it?

The commander laughed, pleased that he had killed Inez. " Well that was too easy! Hahaha! How was she worth 532 million!? What a joke!"
The commander along with the rest of the Marines laughed. Blood continued to pour from Inez's lifeless body, seeping into the cracks of the ship.

Inez stood up dusting herself off like nothing happened. " Man I just got this shirt and now you made me get blood on it! Bastards." She scoffed, annoyed that she had gotten her new shirt dirty. The Marines stood there jaws dropped to the floor, confused as to why the person their command had just 'killed' was alive.

" WHAT THE HELL?!" They all yelled at the same time. Inez snapped her attention back to the Marines, " Oh! Should I leave....? Or..... What?" She asked but got interrupted, " how are you still alive?! I shot you!" The commander yelled out confused and flustered.

" Well that's because I ate the Blood-Blood Fruit. So I just healed myself while you guys were calling me weak and stuff. Which by the way I am not! " Inez said crossing her arms.

" Captain she's a cute one, do we have to kill her? I mean maybe-" he was cut off before he could finish.

Inez had him by the throat but not with her hands, with his own blood. She had forced his blood out of his body making it choke himself.
Even more angered Inez showed no mercy.

" WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING?!" One marine yelled. " STOP HER!" Another one yelled.

" Blood-Blood snake!" She yelled.

A handful of Marines fell to the ground screaming out in pain, begging for the pain to stop. Their blood shot out of the body and formed into snakes, the blood snakes charged at the other marines throwing them or chopping off limbs. Even though they were made of blood they could still bite, and it hurt like hell.

Marines ran around in a frantic, screaming in pain and begging for her to stop. The commander charged at Inez with his sword which she dodged easily. She grabbed her small knife and made a cut on her wrist, " Blood-Blood SPIKE!" She yelled, as her blood started to form into small but deadly spikes. It stabbed the rest of the Marines on board the ship and made its way to the other ships.

Luffy and Zoro were fighting off the Marines on one ship when all of a sudden little red spikes started stabbing the marines. The two looked at one another confused and then saw Inez behind them. She was only two ships away from them and dealt with both of them.
" Oh hey Inez!" Luffy called out. Inez didn't answer back, she was too focused on her spikes, more and more blood poured from her wrists making more spikes, which flew all over the place.

" Hey Inez you okay? You look a little pale." Zoro was getting worried she was using a lot of her blood and didn't know how much more she could take. Again Inez didn't answer still too focused on what she was doing.

Finally the spikes had stopped and the blood returned to Inez's wrists. The wounds closed up, and she felt exhausted. The other way ships had already been taken care of thanks to the rest of the crew. Mostly Luffy, Zoro and Sanji, which took out most of them.

Luffy walked over to Inez and placed his hand on her shoulder. " Good job Inez! That was so cool!" He told her, he loved seeing her use her devil fruit powers. Inez still didn't give a response, her breathing was heavy and she fell into Luffy's arms. " INEZ?! YOU OKAY?! HEY WHAT'S WRONG!?" Luffy called out to Inez which again she gave no answer.

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