Caution: Danger

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Sasha Hunt a young FBI agent just arrived home from a week long case in California, she walks into her house to be greeted by her two dogs Chaos a black Cane Corso jumps up on his beloved owner licking her face knowing she's had a bad day. Sasha pets the pointed eared mastiff before telling him to get down, Malice her black sable Malinois brings the woman her favorite toy the woman takes it from the dog and tosses it down the hall giggling as her dog chases the toy. She walks into her kitchen only to be greeted by her very angry boyfriend Michael, he stares at her with darkness in his eyes his face cold as he looks at her.

"What took you so long on this case Sasha?" He asks coldly Sasha looks at him knowing what is coming as she slowly responds "The case was harder then we expected and you know how my boss is Michael". The woman sets her to go bag down on the counter slowly waiting for her boyfriend to respond. The man puts the dogs in the back yard before coming back up behind the woman grabbing a fist full of her hair causing her to tense up while inhaling sharply from the pain. "I told you to tell me when you are going to be late getting back from a case did I not?" The man said angrily as he held his girlfriend in place by the back of her head.

"Yes I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to call you Prentiss had us running like crazy all week" Sasha said trying to keep her tone as calm as possible to not further anger her boyfriend. Truthfully he was the only person who actually terrified her, not even the serial killers that she chases down for a living scared her as badly as Michael did. She exhaled slowly before saying " I can't for my Unit Chief to allow me to call someone she needed our full attention on this case" with that Michael threw her to the ground hovering over her before landing multiple blows to her ribcage taking the breath from the woman's lungs. She tried to block each blow but was unable to as her boyfriend quickly overpowered her after he was done with his psychical out burst of anger the woman laid on the cold tile trying to not make any noise. She had just taken ten forceful blows to the ribs, her arms already bruising from the blows she had managed to block, her wrist swelling rapidly from his tight grip, her lip and nose dripping with blood from being struck by the back of the mans hand multiple times.

The man washed his hands before looking at the woman on the ground "Go wash up then clean this mess up" he demanded. The woman slowly pealed herself from the tile floor to her feet struggling to breath as she made her way out of the kitchen to the upstairs bathroom. She thought to herself 'He can't mean to do this all the time right? How can I be forced to be with someone like this?' She washed her face with her mind racing the pain worsening as the water hit it she started the shower pealing her blood stained clothing from her body before entering the shower. The bathroom door was locked so she could keep him out long enough to cry in pain, after time had passed she exited the shower slowly drying her body off before putting a pair of sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a hoodie on. She exited the bathroom to see her boyfriend already asleep in bed, at this point she knew she needed some space from the man so she went downstairs got her gun, badge, and dogs before going for a walk. As she walked the crisp cool evening air was hard to breathe until her lungs had time to adjust to it, the dogs walked beside her one on each side as they were trained to protect their handler.

Michael of course knew this which is why he put them outside, Sasha knew one of these days he would kill her but she had to focus on surviving the present not the future. As the woman was lost in her thoughts her phone began to ring she looks down at the phone to see the name Garcia she signed before answering it her voice still shaky as her pain worsened in the cool air " Hey Garcia" she said.

" I know you just got home and it's really late but The Ice Queen wants everyone to come in" Garcia said she could tell something was bothering Sasha but she chose to leave it be for now. Sasha sighed heavily causing her to wince in pain before saying " Alright I'll go home and change be there in 15 I hope see you soon Pen" then she hung up the phone as she walked by the church close to her house she threw her hood up keeping her head low to avoid anyone at the church. She headed back toward her house with her dogs lost in thought. ' I assume Prentiss received the nickname The Ice Queen because she's always cold as ice to all of us at work. Everyone said she wasn't always like this. That she used to be nice' she thought as she quietly entered her house letting her dogs loose. She snuck in getting work clothing and her heels before getting dressed in the bathroom she quickly threw some make up on to hide the bruising around her mouth, nose and eye. She peaked out the door to make she her boyfriend was asleep still thankfully he was she snuck downstairs putting her gun on her hip and her badge in her pocket, her cuffs on her belt before putting her blazer on. Once in the kitchen she grabbed her keys and her bag then headed out the door, once at her SUV she got in started the vehicle and left her house. Once she was a safe distance away she turned music up as she drove to work, once she was there she went in heading to her desk to set her bag down. As she turned she was met by Unit Chief Prentiss whom did not look happy at all "You're late" she said coldly. Sasha looked at the raven haired woman before saying " I'm sorry chief I was out on a walk when I got the call I had a few miles til I was home I didn't think you'd be to happy if I came into the office in sweats and a hoodie" as she finished the sentence she seen her boss get more angry. "You're right I would have been livid more so then I am now" she said reading her employee like a book before adding " I expect you in my office in 2 minutes am I clear we need too talk about your little stunt in California" then she walked away. Sasha sighed before making her way to the break room for a cup of coffee then to Emily's office she shut the door before going to the desk. "Sit down" the woman said but Sasha didn't "I caught the unsub chief what do we need to talk about?" She said her boss looked at her unimpressed before saying " You ignored a direct order I told you hunches do not solve cases."

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