Let's Face It

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After what seemed like forever in the vehicle the two women arrived at Emily's apartment they exited the vehicle Sasha grabbing her dogs leashes while Emily grabbed her bags, they headed into the building and to the elevator. Once they were on the elevator Emily pressed the button for the 25th floor before looking at the other woman standing beside her "I hope you didn't mind me proving a point to him earlier" she said.

Sasha smiled "Oh no I didn't mind at all" she said with a slightly nervous tone she didn't know if Emily kissed her strictly to prove a point or if she was secretly feeling the same way about her. The older woman smiled at her nodding slightly not wanting to push the topic to much. As the women exited the elevator they went to the apartment door Emily unlocked it letting the younger woman in before her once she entered her home she typed a code in on the alarm key pad to turn it off. She locked the door before heading to the spare bedroom located right beside her room it was connected by a door.

The younger woman followed her after letting the dogs off leash and picking the older woman's cat up scratching behind his ears softly "He's really cute" she finally said catching Emily's attention. The older woman smiled at the sight of the woman with her beloved cat "Thank you he's been through a lot with me his name is Sergio" she said, the younger woman smiled " That's a really cute name" she said. Her two dogs came up and sniffed the cat this made both women tense slightly but they didn't mind and Sergio just purred, both women let out a sigh of relief as Chaos and Malice leaped on the bed quickly falling asleep. Emily smiled before saying " Are they always this quick to adjust?" Sasha watched her dogs equally as surprised "Um no actually normally they would be trying to climb inside of me if they could physically figure out a way to do so" she told her.

Emily laughed at the thought "Ok that would be a very awkward thing to explain" she said Sasha laughed nodding agreeing with her. Emily smiled at her before softly kissing her cheek "Yes I was proving a point earlier but I also had been wanting to kiss you for a while now" she told her. Sasha looked at her and smiled "I was wondering and I wanted to kiss you too" she confessed. The raven haired woman smiled before gently placing s soft kiss on the other woman's forehead "Go ahead and unpack if you'd like I'll make us something to eat for breakfast" she said.

"Ok food definitely sounds like a good plan" the younger woman said with a smile " Thank you again Em" she added the raven haired woman smiled and nodded as she exited the bedroom to go to the kitchen. Chaos and Malice stayed asleep on the bed while Sergio sat on the dresser watching as Sasha began to unpack her clothing placing the clothes in drawers. She hung her work clothes up in the closet so she wouldn't need to iron them later, she placed her shoes in the closet as well everything was placed in an organized fashion she always kept her things well organized. It was something she learned from being the daughter of a diplomate and a CIA agent, even with having some authority issues she still tries to continue to please her parents.

Her relationship with both parents is very strained and toxic she know's her parents will never approve of her living with another woman let alone falling for the very same woman. She continued to unpack as she lost herself in her thoughts until her phone started to ring, she looked at it and seen her mother's name she sighed before answering it "Hello mother" she said in a tired voice.

" I heard you left that man I found you seriously? After 2 years you up and leave? What's this I hear about you kissing a woman and telling him you are a homosexual?" The angry woman said on the phone in a cold harsh tone.

"Mother please I was in an abusive relationship" Sasha told her as she carefully thought out each word carefully " You know what yeah I am gay and yes I'm living with a woman I really don't care anymore about what you or my father think of me. Nothing I have ever done has been good enough for either of you. You especially!" She added at this point she was becoming more emotional.

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