Guilt Is For The Weak

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Early the in the morning Sasha awoke from her sleep her wounds still bleeding much slower then before she slowly got herself out of bed and wrapped her wounds the best she could with gauze after dressing them she got dressed grabbed her gun, badge, and keys. She silently made her way out of the house and into her work issued vehicle she drove down the road tears forming in her eyes threatening to escape as she drove to work. Once she arrived there she slowly made her way into the build the only other person there at this hour was chief Prentiss, slowly the young agent made her way to the older woman's office trying to hide her pain. The older woman looked up from her desk shocked to see the state the agent was in "Hunt? What happened?" She asked seeing the tears streaming down the young woman's cheeks.

The agent shook her head " I uh came to do the report you needed" she said trying to change the subject but this time the older woman wasn't persuaded so easily.

"No not till you tell me what's actually going on" she said in a stern tone as she stood up and made her way to the get to help her sit, once Sasha was sitting down she shut the door and blinds.

"We just got into a fight it's fine chief please can I just get this done" she said pleading with her boss not to push further.

The older woman looked at her seeing the blood beading through the agent's shirt "You're bleeding did you rip your stitches already? Or did that happen during the fight?" She asked suspecting the worst since she's heard the man's angry outburst in the office before.

The young agent just looked at the floor wishing her boss would stop questioning her she felt so weak at this point in time, Emily moved closer to her " I'll take the silence and reaction as this was his doing" she said as she place her hand on the woman's back.

The younger woman finally broke down like she did weeks ago in the very same office, the older woman held her as she let it all out rubbing her back softly. The younger woman told her everything that had been going on and why she had the panic attack weeks ago when the older woman grabbed her wrist.

Emily held her and listened too her until she felt her start calming down and her breathing leveled out she lifted the woman's head by her chin softly " You need to leave him you can't stay in this type of a relationship it will cost you your life" she told her.

The younger woman looked into the raven haired woman's dark brown eyes before saying anything " I know but I have no where to go he said this wouldn't happen again but how can I believe him?" She said.

The older woman moved the young agent's hair out of her face " You can't trust him or believe him it'll happen again it sounds like he's devolving becoming more and more violent. You could come stay with me for the time being I have the extra room" she told her

The younger woman looked shocked "If my parents found out I was living with a woman hell would break loose" she said in a cared tone.

"Hey look at me don't worry about what they think I'm trying to help you escape a dangerous situation if they can't understand that then that's on them" the older woman said

The younger woman nodded before saying " You're right but I have to dogs I can't leave them behind."

The older woman smiled "That's fine I don't mind dogs I do have a cat though he may be a little unimpressed for a while" she said this cause the younger agent to giggle.

"There we go" the older woman said with a smile "Now I'll give you the paper for the incident report then we will go get your things and your dogs from that house ok?"

Sasha nodded to her as she sat in the chair " Hey chief could we go to the hospital before we go there?" She asked .

The older woman looked at her "Call me Emily and yes we can" she told her as she handed her a pen and a paper.

Sasha filled out the report a while later she handed it back to her boss along with the pen " Em can we go now please I'm starting to feel light headed" she said slowly trying to keep her eyes open knowing she was close to passing out.

Emily quickly got up helping her up and down to her SUV she picked the woman up placing her in the passenger seat before climbing in the drivers seat she flipped her lights on as she sped to the hospital. When the women arrived at the hospital the older woman got out of the vehicle and quickly picked the younger woman up rushing her inside.

As Drs and nurses worked on the younger agent the raven haired woman paced waiting on any news she wondered why she was reacting this way over someone that works for her but then it hit her. She was starting to fall for the younger agent and she didn't know how to stop herself all she wanted to do was protect this woman and never let her feel unwanted again. As she paced lost in her own thoughts a Dr came up to her " You brought Sasha Hunt in correct?" He asked.

Emily quickly stopped looking at the Dr " Yes sir I did is she okay?" She asked, the doctor smiled at her " Yes she is she's awake now we discharged her and sent in scripts for pain medicine and antibiotics" he said.

The older woman sighed in relief before going into the room with the young agent " Hey you" she said in a soft voice, the younger brunette smiled up at her " Hey" she said with a slight giggle. It was obvious the hospital staff gave her good pain meds based off how she was acting this made Emily giggle at her "Are you ready to go? I'll go in with you if he tries to touch you it will not end well for him" she said her face showing how serious she was.

Sasha smiled and sat up " Yeah I'm ready this bed is really uncomfortable can you help me up?" She said as she looked at the older woman, with that Emily walked up to her and carefully helped her to her feet she had the woman's discharge papers in her pocket as they slowly went out to the SUV. Emily gently picked the younger woman up putting her in the car.

Sasha smiled at her " Em you don't have to do that you know?" She said,
"Do what?" The raven haired woman asked confused.

"Baby me" Sasha said as she looked at the woman in front of her, "I want to let me take care of you. Especially now you need it" Emily said the younger agent nodded her head in response. With that the older woman entered the vehicle on the drivers side she knew the address from dropping the other woman off at home before, she placed her right hand over the other woman's hand to help comfort her on the drive. The younger woman smiled and played with the other woman's hand and fingers slightly while thinking. Before the two women knew it they were parked outside of Sasha's soon to be former home Emily exited the vehicle first shortly followed by the other woman. They entered the house only too be greeted by a very angry man "Oh so now you hang out with this bitch?!" Michael snapped at Sasha while gesturing at Emily, this only made Emily want to protect the woman more so she put her hand on the small of the other woman's back before looking at the man "Oh I'm sorry but did you not know? She's gay" she told him.

This only angered him more but Emily didn't let him near the younger woman, as Sasha packed her things she also got all of her dogs belongings as well. Once all of her stuff was outside of the house she got both of her dogs then turned to Michael "We are done you have said countless times it wouldn't happen again then do it again the next day and yeah she's right I am gay" she told him.

He smirked not believing it " Guilt is for the weak Sasha you know that! Really sense when?" He remarked with that Emily walked over to the younger woman wrapped her arms around her waist pulling her close to her the younger woman responded by wrapping her arms around the raven haired woman's neck leaning in meeting her in a passionate kiss. This left the man speechless as the two women left Emily looked at the other woman "Go ahead and get in I've got this stuff" she said as she gathered Sasha's belongings and put them in the back of the vehicle.

Sasha and her dogs got in the vehicle and waited for Emily the woman's mind was wondering after she had just kissed her boss she couldn't help the feeling she had after kissing the woman. She wondered if she had crossed a line and also wondered why she wanted to kiss her, she shouldn't feel this way Emily is her boss.

As Sasha's mind wondered she didn't notice Emily getting in the driver's side until she felt her hand on her's again she looked up at at her before saying " Thank you" the older woman smiled and nodded as she drove the two back to her apartment.

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