It's Harsh, But It's Not Wrong

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A few weeks went by and the team was called out on another case when the team arrived in New York they waited for directions from the chief as the gathered their bags on the jet.

"JJ you and Alvez go to the crime scene, Rossi you and Tara go to the local police department handling this case, and Hunt you are with me we're going to go talk to the dean of the university." Emily said as the team turned their attention to her.

"Yes chief" JJ and Alvez spoke at the same time before heading out to an SUV parked waiting for the agents.

Tara nodded as did Rossi they both exited the jet while giving Sasha the good luck look, Sasha looked at Emily "Why did you choose me? I'm the newest agent normally you choose JJ or Rossi to go with you" the younger woman said.

The older woman looked up at her from her bag " Is there a problem Agent Hunt? I chose you because you are closer in age with college students" her tone cold and dismissive her once concerned caring tone she had towards the younger woman weeks ago was long gone.

The young agent quickly sighed before saying " Right I'm sorry I was just curious that's all chief" the younger woman grabbed her own bag " Are you ready to go?" She asked as she threw her bag over her shoulder. The raven haired unit chief looked at the agent before nodding getting her bag both women exited the jet.

Once on the asphalt runway they made their way to the last black SUV Emily got in the drivers seat as she normally does after setting her bag in the back seat. Sasha sat her bag in the back seat then got in the passenger seat pulling her laptop out connecting it to her cellphones hotspot, Emily began driving in the direction of the university they were going to. Sasha started digging into the case looking into each victim " Hey chief I think I found something" she finally said, the raven haired woman glanced over at her expectantly " What is it Hunt" she said coldly.

The younger agent shrugged her boss's attitude off then said " I was doing some digging and it appears that all six of our victims not only took part in the same clubs at school they also were all bullied by the same male bullies at the school.
I think I may know who the next couple of targets are for this unsub."

The raven haired woman was impressed " Well that could certainly cause someone to snap how severe was the bullying?" She asked.

Sasha dug deeper into old records before gasping "Um well the males that did the bullying to the female victims also raped them and brutally beat them it was all filmed too." She said trying to hide how uncomfortable she truly was with the case now.

Emily pulled over and took the lap top looking into everything the younger agent found "Let's look into these guys can you find me their names? Also look into this female victim too just incase she is the next target." She said.

The younger agent nodded before saying " Yes chief I'm on it" she took her lap top bag as she started digging further sending emails to Garcia to try and get the info faster for Chief Prentiss since the chief seemed to be in a bad mood she wanted to make this go quicker.
Sasha and Garcia made quick work finding the names of the 5 young men and the one young woman " Mathew Diaz, Theo Quinn, Jackson O' Rielly, Owen Strange, and Adam Long are the young men that did the bullying Cassidy Tyner is the female vic." She said.

The raven haired woman pulled into the school parking lot finding a close by parking spot "Alright let's go speak with the dean and have all the students brought into the large lecture haul and speak with all of them. We are going to have to put some curfews in place until the unsub is apprehended" she said.

Sasha put her laptop in her bag " I agree let's go do this" she said as she opened the door exiting the vehicle, the older woman opened her door while grabbing the keys and her phone exiting the vehicle at the same time both women shut their doors as Emily locked the car. They made their way into the building flashing their badges when staff attempted to stop them.

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