Chapter 2: Learning What's Missed

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Forward Air Base Phanox,

Principality of Restol,

The continent of Yashmin.

Due to the preparation conducted before the transfer of the Organization of Free Nations substantial aerial assets of the Global Defense Initiative and the member states of the Organization of Free Nations have been transferred into the continent of Yashmin.

"I do hope something interesting is to happen, " a pilot inside the cockpit of a JF-42D, the newest type of aircraft operated by the nation states found on the continent of Minerva and exported to the United Kingdom of Albion and the rest of the alliance remarked.

" you want a war to start? " a voice coming from the helmet that the pilot is wearing responded

" not really, " he replied while stretching his hands while inside the open cockpit, "I just hope we get to fly this new JF-42D, stealth attack aircraft, " he pointed out, "to take it for a spin in the open skies with point defense system killing every missile fired our way. "

Forward Air base Phanox is a major air base of the Global Defense Initiative which due to the ongoing peacekeeping operation being largely successful has been turned into a major hub for all operations being conducted in the western regions of the continent of Yashmin and due to the fact of being in a new world, the aircraft is placed on standby and are ready to be scrambled in an event of a hostile first encounter.

"We are seating ducks in here, " a pilot inside an American F-16 Fighting Falcon II remarked while looking around and seeing numerous aircraft in the open getting ready to be scrambled at a moment's notice, suddenly he heard a voice coming from the communication device integrated into his helmet.

"rumors are that we have made contact with Earth Federation's, " a female voice replied, "Lieutenant Colonel what do you think? "

the squadron leader, a military pilot from the United States of America with the rank of lieutenant colonel answered the question, "Earth federation?, not China, Russia or even Japan?" he stated before explaining his line of reasoning, "huh. It must be a new United Nation's Peace keeper. "

" They shouldn't be very advanced right?, well, at least based on our Data before we were transferred to Osteria." Another pilot from the same squadron interjected.

" There are rumors that the Earth Federation is using Flying Battleships and even a Giant ass Mecha. But I wouldn't really believe in it. I mean, Flying Battleships? Theres no such this as flying battleship." A female voice replied.
" But who knows. Maybe it's true. We don't even know what year the earth is in now."

January 1, 2206 / 1910
Japan, Earth Federation

7:00 am.

" A contact happened just a while ago, report from the captain of the E.F.S Yamato that they made contact with a Ship claiming to be from the Country of Yamato situated in the Continent in the Pacific." The secretary of defense stated. " There was also a little confrontation during the contact but no armed attack made from either side" He added.

" Hmm, not only the united states is back, but, other continents from the word they were transported is not here as well. Do we have any intel about their level of technological of advancement? By their, I mean not just The U.S but the rest of the continents that got transported here as well. " The president said.

" Well sir, our low orbit satellite have been passing above those said continents and even above the United State, we believe that they did not detected our satellite. That being said, our satellite has taken multiple photos of the civilization on those continents. The secretary of defense replied to the president.

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