A Fanfiction of 'Through looking Glass' (Sequel to the 'New World Order') by Peaceinourtime1938.
After a Grueling War against the Abyss during the abyssal War, The Organizations of Free Nation with it's non member Allies are now enjoying peace and R...
United Kingdom of Albion. January 1, 2206 / 1910 3:00 pm
A coastal City of the Kingdom of Albion, Known for its stunning sunsets and vibrant Colours of high-rise Buildings. Now being destroyed by a Giant Creature. Wrecking anything in it's path like some it wasn't even there. widespread destruction and casualties are mounting. Westshore, known for its scenic beaches and friendly community, was a popular tourist destination. Is now turning into rubbles. The Albion government have issued widespred evacuation. Tanks, Jets and missiles from the albionian military is raining down on the Giant creature. but, to their surprised, the Giant creature is Unfazed and just kept going.
Above the City a Helicopter is hovering above, carrying News reporter belonging to the United Federation.
" This is Emma Stone and We are here today Live on the Coastal city, Westshore of the united kingdom Albion. Where this Beautiful City is now being destroyed by a Giant Creature at tall as the buildings in this city. We have never seen anything like it before. We don't know what it is or what it's intentions are. The united kingdom of Albion's Military is doing it's best to hold this creature of "
" Gunner!, Sabot! "
" Target Identified! "
" Up! "
" Fire! "
" On the Way! "
Countless Loud boom reverberated as Tanks Fires Their Munitions towards the Giant Creature. Soon, Missiles from Attack helicopters and Fighter Jets of the Albion's Air force joined the Fight, Masking the Giant Creature in thick black smoke. " Hold Fire, Hold Fire! " The tanks stopped firing at the giant creature, but to their Surprised. As tthe thick black smoke Cleared. The Giant Creature didn't seemed to be affected by the attack they've done just now. The Giant Creature begun to move again as if nothing has happened.
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" Tsk! This thing just don't die! " An Albionian Tank Commander says.
" Just how long does it take to bring that monster down?! " The Tank Gunner says. " it's like it's immune to whatever attack we do. "
" We need help! We need the united Federation or the United States of America over here! " The tank driver replied to his crewmate.
As the continue their chatter. The Creature continues to walk and trample any infrastructure it touches, seemingly unfazed to the Attack of the Albionian Military.
" As you all have just saw, The Giant Creature didn't get affected by the attack from the Albion's Military. " emma stone, the reporter from the United Federation stated.
Army Strategic Command, New Eden,
Imperial District, United Federation.
inside the central command hub of the Federal Armed Forces of the United Federation, A meeting is taking place between the President, The emperor and the Secretary of Defense of the United Federation.