Chapter 13: The Demon King

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Third person's POV

Siobhan had woken up to the sounds of the beeping noises and some of the other people were just rushing around herself as somebody else was giving some orders to some other people before she just wiggled around in the bed as someone else had noticed that she was just moving around in the bed before they just shined a bright light in her eyes to check to see if she was responding to the light before she heard her mother's voice saying to her in a worried tone since she had gotten the call about Siobhan's accident on her school's camp "Siobhan, Siobhan, oh my baby girl" "Ma'am, I'm going to need you to stay back, your daughter is still getting checked out to see if she's okay, as far as what we know, she's had a seizure out in the bush, what kind of meds does she take?" A doctor's voice said to Shayla as Siobhan could hear her father and her three brothers trying to calm down her mother before Dr Crawfords said to the other doctor "I'm Dr Willow Crawfords, that girl in there is my patient, I am her personal doctor for her epileptic treatments, I must see her now" "Willow, I can't allow for you to do that" The doctor said to her before Willow just pushed past the doctor and she just headed over to Siobhan before she had looked down at her as she just brushed one of her hands against one of Siobhan's cheeks as she said to her "Oh, Siobhan, honey" "I'm sorry, Dr Crawfords, I'm sorry, I've failed you" Siobhan said to her in a whispering tone before Dr Crawfords said to her "No, no, it's not your fault, sweet girl, we've have all made mistakes, okay?, no matter on what had happened out there, it wasn't your fault at all, alright?, you're gonna be okay" Dr Crawfords then just looked over at Siobhan's parents and her brothers before she had walked over to them and Siobhan could see her pulling her parents away from herself as she began to have a chat with her parents and Siobhan could hear Dr Crawfords saying to her parents "We might need to pull back on the doses of the gummies, I think that having six per day is just too much for her, I'll have to contact my person at the trial about this, we were just lucky that she didn't die today, from now on, she'll only be allowed to take four per day, I think that's what needs to happen for her, I'm sorry but if this happens again, the chances of her staying in the trial become worser and worser, I'm afraid that if this happens to her again, she won't be as lucky as she was today"

A few days later....

It was a few days after what had happened out in the bush and Siobhan had been resting at home over the past few days but now, she was well enough to go back to school, Darren and Amerie had visited her yesterday with a huge card that Amerie had gotten everybody in their year level to sign for her. Siobhan's parents had been concerned about it but Siobhan had reassured them that she was okay and if she needed them, they were always just a phone call away from herself. Siobhan knew that Darren and Amerie had gone to visit Quinni before school and they were just going to meet her later on at school as she had walked through the school gates before she had walked into the courtyard as she saw that Missy and Sasha were just giving away some free bubble tea drinks to make some other people vote for Sasha before she had headed over to the other two girls as Missy saw her walking over to the pair before she said to her "Siobhan!, you're back!" "Yeah, I'm alive and breathing!" Siobhan said to Missy as the two girls just shared a hug with each other before she said to Siobhan "Welcome back" "Thank you" Siobhan said to Missy before the two girls just let go of each other and Sasha said to her "Welcome back, Siobhan, bubble tea?" "Oh thanks, Sasha" Siobhan said to her as she had picked up a cup of bubble tea before she just began to drink from it and Spider had walked over to the table as he said to the three girls and he had grabbed a cup of bubble tea for himself "Hello ladies, oh" Spider then just took a sip of the bubble drink tea before he said to Sasha and Missy "It tastes like defeat" "What do you want?, Spider" Sasha asked him as he just placed the cup of bubble tea down and onto the table before he said to the three girls as he just showed them a white t-shirt with his face and some words on it "I just came to offer you guys some custom cumlords merch, hot off the press" Spider then just threw the three t-shirts at each one of the girls before Siobhan asked him "What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?, Prince Scumbag" "Well, I'm sure that you can think of something, Princess of Darkness, welcome back" Spider said to her as he was just smirking over at her since he had remembered their night in the bush before Siobhan just stared back at him with a knowing look on her face about it.

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