Chapter 16: Boys Don't Cry

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Third person's POV

It was the day of the formal as Siobhan had walked up to Malakai's house before she had knocked on the front door and Malakai had opened it as he was about to leave his home for school before he was surprised by Siobhan standing there and she said to him "Surprise, I'm walking with you to school for your last day at Hartley High" "Um, you don't have to do that" Malakai said to her since he was confused on why she was doing this before she said to him "Nonsense, come on, you're my best friend, let's go to school together" "Um, okay" Malakai said to her as the pair began to walk to school together before he asked her "Why are you doing this?" "No reason, it's just that you're moving away and I don't want for you to leave without us spending some time together" Siobhan said to Malakai as she was just looking down at the ground before he just lets out a chuckle about it as she had looked over at him before he said to her "In these past few months that I've known you, I have never seen you doing this with me" "Well, I just wanted to, okay?, how else will I remember your face if you move away, don't leave me!, Malakai!" "Alright, alright, chill out, we can still call each other, it's not going to be that bad" "But who will I talk with about my personal problems with my ex boy toy?" "Wait, what?, he's your ex boy toy now?" "Yeah, it just didn't work out in-between us, we just too different for each other with our views about certain stuff" "Oh, I'm sorry to hear about that" "It's fine, I didn't expect for it to happen but it was the best decision on my part for the both of us" "Are you okay?, though" "Yeah, yeah, I'm good, it was hard at first with the breakup but now, I'm good" Siobhan said to Malakai with a small smile on her face about it as the pair just continued to walk to school together.

Later on....

Amerie and Siobhan had walked outside in the courtyard to find that Darren was just sitting at a table with Zoe and some of her other friends while they were just snapping their fingers with Zoe and some of her other friends before Amerie asked Siobhan as the two girls were just confused on what was going on before Amerie asked Siobhan "What in the Hillsong?" Siobhan and Amerie then just looked at each other before they had walked over to the group and Amerie said to Zoe "Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me" Amerie and Siobhan then just pulled Darren away from the group as they said to the two girls "Amerie!, Siobhan!, my cards!" "I know that breakups are hard, but what the fuck is this?" Amerie asked Darren as the two girls had already known that Darren and Cash had broken up with each other after the food fight before Darren said to Amerie "I've lost Cash because I can't control my urges but maybe if I try hard enough, we can get back together and everything will be okay" "No, no, no, this is not it, you need to get your shit together" Siobhan said to Darren before they said to her "Siobhan, this is me getting my shit together" The trio then just looked over at Zoe as they had noticed that she was looking over at Darren before Darren had waved over at her and they just began to snap their fingers and Zoe just smiled over at Darren as she had snapped her fingers too before Siobhan just grabbed onto Darren's hands to stop them from clicking their fingers as she said to Darren "No, no, don't you fucking click!" "Siobhan!" Darren said to her as they had pulled their hands out of her grasp before they said to her "I don't know on what else to do" The two girls then just looked baffled at them before Darren had walked away from the pair and they just walked over to Zoe and her group of her other friends before they said to the two girls "Goodbye Siobhan and Amerie" Darren then just sat down next to Zoe as Amerie and Siobhan were just speechless about what just happened right now with Darren by now.

Later on....

Spider and Ant were just standing together next to a staircase as they were on a FaceTime call with Voss since he had gotten fired from his teaching job at the school while Voss said to them "Principal Woods has unfairly dismissed me, so tonight at formal, we will let our voices be heard once more, we will awaken the students of Hartley High to the truth about the woke agenda" Siobhan was just walking down the staircase that the two boys were standing next to right now to her next class at school before she had stopped walking as she saw that Spider was standing there with Ant and they were still on the FaceTime call with Voss before she just rolled her eyes about it and she just continued to walk down the stairs and she had walked past Spider and Ant as Voss said to the two boys "Tonight is our Glenrowan, trust in the plan" But what Siobhan didn't notice was that Spider was just looking over at her as she has walked past the two boys before he had looked back at her as she just continued to walk away by herself and away from him by now.

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