7 - Why don't you?

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All Jungkook received for his concerned inquiry was heavy silence and when he looked closer, he found that the omega was frowning deeply. He looked as though he was going to punch Jungkook on the face.

Jungkook immediately dropped the things he was holding, anxiety clouding his features. Was this it? He had expected the worst to come but it still sent a bitter tang through his mouth. Jimin must have realized that whatever had transpired between them was just their pheromones talking, he must be disgusted now by the things Jungkook had done while he was inebriated.

He was a police officer, after all. It would be so easy to appeal for a restraining order on Jungkook. After that... Jungkook would not be allowed to get close to him anymore...

"I'm sorry," Jungkook blurted out as guilt and shame flooded his chest. He hung his head low, a bitter smile forming on his face. "I am really sorry. I will understand now if you don't want to—"

"Why are you sorry?"

Jimin's voice cut off his ramblings and he blinked in surprise. Slowly, he braced himself to peer at Jimin through his lashes and saw that the omega's face was even more darkened than before.

Heavens... this was really it. Jimin was going to make him admit his wrongdoings. Well, Jungkook deserved it anyway.

"I... I have forced myself on you." He tried to put on an apologetic smile even though he had no idea how well it was working. "When you were not lucid, I have been such a jerk—"

Once again, he was cut off. Jimin suddenly took a step forward, then another and another, steadily closing the distance between them. "How do you force yourself on me?" His tone was carefully flat and Jungkook could not sense any emotions from his face.

Nonetheless, Jimin's question had utterly caught him off guard. He could feel the heat rising on his neck.

W–Was he serious right now? Should Jungkook really spell out what kind of atrocious deeds he had committed one by one ever since the first few seconds before the elevator door closed? Heavens... that would be so mortifying!

But it was not like he had any other choice, was he? If Jimin wanted him to confess, then he would. As simple as that.

So Jungkook took a few steadifying breaths, steeled himself for the restraining order that would find its way to his doorstep early in the morning tomorrow and said, "I was—"

Apparently, Jimin did not seem to need any answer because he asked, "Did you take off my gland patch?"

Jungkook's eyes snapped to him, horrified. "How can I?!"

Omegas wearing a gland patch could be considered as a sense of defense mechanism or a means to protect themselves, it was common sense. How could Jungkook ever take it off him?! He would rather cut off his arm than to attempt such an awful thing!

Jimin was only less than two meters away from him now. "Then, did you fondle my ass?"

Jungkook inhaled sharply and promptly choked as the air went down the wrong pipe. He coughed so hard that tears sprung up his eyes.

He... He had indeed eyed Jimin's slender waist and shapely legs a few times but the notion of putting his dirty paws on such an intimate place had not even crossed his mind before! "I... I did not—"

Jimin did not wait for him to recover. The omega was standing in front of him now, staring up at him with those soulful eyes of his that could make anyone get lost in them.

When a touch landed on his chest, Jungkook shuddered violently. He was still too volatile to receive such a stimulation, especially from the omega's soft, warm and fragrant hand.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now