chapter~5.HER SELFLESS♥

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Next morning.

Subhadra get up and found her self in bed and Arjun was covering her in his arm.she look at his face. Tears gather in her eyes thinking how much she had longing for this moment today it happen but he didn't love her only she love him. She cares his thick hair sofly. He pulled her more close and hug her.

Subhadra try to get up put but he had held her so tighly. She see a vase on table she push vase it feel on ground and because of soon Arjun get up. Before he open his eyes subhadra closed hers.

Arjun look at subhadra. He removed his grip from her immediately and made her laid on bed. He get up from bed and goes to get ready .....

Subhadra get up from bed . She sit on her bed. Thinking about Arjun. She was immersed in her own thought she fail to notice Arjun come out from washroom without wear notting on his upper body.

Hearing his foot step. Subhadra look at him. Seeing him like this. Subhadra lost in him.
Arjun turned at subhadra to say something. Seeing him turned subhadra look aside.

Arjun said"get ready subhadra we have to be at court ".

Subhadra nodded. She goes inside sangraha and take bath and get ready.

After getting ready. Arjun and subhadra goes in sabha.

They both joined there hand in front of elders.

Before Dhritarashtra could say anything. Duryodhan said" What is this maharaj the one who should be published is standing here and everyone are happy with it".looking at subhadra.

Arjun said"what do you mean bharta duryodhan ".

Duryodhan said" You abduct and marry my would be wife how can you she was betrothed to meet don't you both feel shame I never knew yadhavi is this much shameless ".

Hearing this bhishma vidhir get up from his seat.

Arjun said angrily" Well bharta duryodhan no she is my I will be pleased with you if you talk about my wife nice or I know how to punish the person".

Subhadra look at him. Arjun hold her hand to comfort her as a friend.

Dushasana said"see bharta first he marry draupadi with his 4 brother then he get married the one who was betrothed to you still there attitude didn't change. "

Bhishma said"duryodhan and dushasana stop you non sense talk think before you say yadavas will chopped you head".

Duryodhan said"why I should be think before talk he married subhadra just to gain support of dwarka and her brothers and when he get to know she is getting married he abduct her and get married with her for his selfishness doesn't you feel shame Arjun to drag a girl and force her to get married for your own purpose for make indraprastha independently you will do anything are you really a man you had put shame to your father name if you would be a warrior then you must have not done this shameful thing".

Unable to bear her husband insult subhadra said"forgive me maharaj to talk in middle kulvadhu should stay quiet because of limit but if your son will insult my husband I will not keep quiet no body force me to get married I get married by my wish and it was your son who want to marry me for my brother and dwarka support so dont blame my arya as he didn't marry me for amy support he save me from that unwanted marriage and for this I will always thankful to him".

Hearing her speech whole sabha become quiet.

Shakuni said to duryodhan" Mere bacche dont any thing now control you angry or we have to face yadavas".

Gandhari was scared for her son as yadavas can kill them in just second.

Gandhari joined his hand in front of subhadra and siad"putri subhadra forgive my son but please don't tell your brother about or I will loss my son".

Kunti stand besides subhadra and siad"how can you say it jiji they have insult her a lot and your are think only about you son not about her".

Gandhari said"forgive me kunti I am not doing this only for my son I am trying to stop the up coming war. "

Dhritarashtra said"putri subhadra you can ask anything from me dear ask any wish if you have".

Subhadra first said"I don't need anything maharaj".

Gandhari said"ask putri by giving it we will able to remove some sin from our life amd do some favour on maharaj and yuvraj"angrily looking at dhritarashtra(actually not look just feel his presence and share a look).

Subhadra think for a while and said"I have two wish maharaj will you fulfill".

Dhritarashtra said"yes sure ".

Subhadra said" Maharaj my first wish is that you and whole hastinapur should accept our marriage not to say anything to arya ".

Dhritarashtra said"off course from today no one will question anything about your marriage tell second wish".

Subhadra said"my second wish is you let mata kunti to go and stay forever with her son in indraprastha ".

Kunti was happy by her wish.

Dhritarashtra dont wont to agree for this wish but he can't disgree with her wish or he have to face yadhavs".

Dhritarashtra said unwillingly" Your this wish is also agree putri ,kunti you can go with arjun subhadra to indraprastha and stay there forever".

Hearing it kunti subhadra arjun happily get increase. Subhadra has gain lot of respect in arjun heart and eyes with her selflessness she didn't ask anytime for her .

After that everyone leave from sabha.

Vidhur ask"putri subhadra you must had also ask to gave independence to indraprastha but you didn't why may I know reason".

Subhadra said"I trust pandavas strength they will do it by them self I don't need to ask if from anyone or it will be like there insult."

Vidhur was so impressed by her.she take his blessing. Bhishma was already impressed by subhadra skills now she had gain respect in his a lot.

Subhadra was about to touch his feet but bhishma stop and said"no subhadra dont touch my feet or it will be sin for me ".

Subhadra smile and touch his feet and said" Well you bless me then you will get more good deeds pitmha".

Bhishma smile at her and bless her.

They all left.Subhadra arjun kunti were in kunti room. Kunti was happy that she will leave with her son. She thanks subhadra multiply time.

Arjun said"mata we will leave tomorrow morning ".

Kunti nodded and said"come Arjun subhadra lets go to mahadev temple for pooja ".

Arjun Subhadra nodded.

In mahdev temple all kuru members were present.

Arjun and subhadra did pooja as they are newly married. After that everyone left to have breakfast. After having breakfast everyone get back to there work.

Next morning.

Arjun subhadra and kunti where ready to leave.

They take blessing from elders . Subhadra and kunti sit in chariot while Arjun sit in horse.they start there journey towards indraprastha.

To be continued.

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