chapter~13.RETURN BACK ♥

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It was morning.

Subhadra was sleeping in sitting position on sofa and arjun in her lap. Soon arjun open his eyes and look his beyond beautiful wife is looking stunning.

He see the position how is she sleeping she must be uncomfortable. He picked her in his arms.he placed her on bed . He laid beside he cares her face with his fingures.

He kiss her forehead and sleep beside her.

He closed his eyes.

After some time subhadra get up and look at arjun she keep looking at him. She start to feel that he love her which make her happy.

She with happy face goes and get ready.

After sometime she came out after taking bath till the time arjun was wake up.

As soon as subhadra came back from bathroom her smell filled the room. Arjun immediately look at subhadra he was feel bless that this much beautiful egoless selfless loyal caring Trustful respectful partner he get.

He was lost in her.

Suddenly he goes near he standing behind her and see her placing morpankh on her braids. Arjun take the morpankh in his hand.
He pulled her by her waist.

Subhadra look at him. Arjun pecked her forehead. He take the morpankh and caress her face with it.

Subhadra turned to leave because of shyness. But Arjun hold her waist. He slowly caress her wrist to shoulder and kiss her neck. Subhadra hold her saree pallu in her hand.

He picked her in his arms and made her laid down on bed. He with the peacock feathers start to cares her face and slide down on waist.

Arjun kiss her waist. He hug her hovering on her careful not to hurt her. Later pulled her on him. He take her hand in his hand and feel the space between her fingures.

Subhadra turned her face and face her back to Arjun. Arjun cares her bare back with morpankh then kiss it which made moaned.

Subhadra turned toward him and hug him so tightly.

Soon Arjun dream get broken by a sound"arya arya".

Arjun came back from his Dreamland and said what happen bhadra".

Subhadra said"go get ready and yes when are mata bhartas and jiji will arrive".

Arjun said"in 2 days".

Subhadra nodded. Arjun goes to get ready.

Later he cames out to find chamber empty he know she must gone to make breakfast.

He thought "why can you understand my feelings priya i love you when you will understand don't you get hint by my behaviours I am try my best to show my feelings".

He scolded himself too" Why you are blaming her you only go and tell her that you love her. "

He said to himself his fear"what if she don't love me i will loss my friendship to".

He scolded himself "yes you are only dumb no one is more idiot than you Arjun you are scared to confess and other side you are blaming her and other side you are think she is ignoring you feeling".

Arjun take a deep breath and siad" Come on arjun you never loss hope then today also don't loss hope".

Saying this he goes down for breakfast. Arjun subhadra had breakfast.

Arjun goes to court room. Subhadra was also helping him. Arjun was impress by her knowledge how simple she clear every problem.

After court room Arjun take subhadra out of palace to have fun.

After 3 days.

Arjun and subhadra were waiting at entrance. Suddenly three horse came on horse were nakul bheem sahdev.

Subhadra get happy to meet them after a long time. She ran towards them and hug them like a child. And they trio hug her like elder brother.

But when subhadra hug nakul make Arjun a possessive man. He was controlling his anger.

As soon as subhadra broke hug she was about to talk with nakul when Arjun came and hug nakul and start to ask him random question how was journey and blah blah.

Subhadra ask them how are val renu jaya . Bheem sahdev and nakul said they are fine.

Later in afternoon.

Kunti came back to indraprastha. Subhadra hug her she miss her a lot. Kunti also hug her as she also miss her a lot.

Later kunti hug pandavas except yudhishthir as he is not present.

Later at evening.

Yudhishthir draupadi and her son came  back.

Bheem nakul sahdev and kunti were in entrance.

Seeing Arjun absence draupadi ask"where is arya Arjun".

Bheem said" Arjun must be with subhadra ".

Draupadi claimed her heart fire. Everyone get inside .

Everyone see Arjun was cover in flour and subhadra was controlling her laughter.. Which was really hard for control as Arjun look like clown.

Kunti said" What is this Arjun you not kid anymore".

Nakul said"you are age to become a father bharta dont become child ".

For this draupadi blushed an look at Arjun. But Arjun was looking at subhadra. And subhadra was  keep hand on her mouth so she can control laugh.

Seeing Arjun look at subhadra making draupadi insecure drupad manipulation has make place in draupadi mind.

Draupadi try to change topic" How you get drench in flour".

Arjun said pointing towards subhadra "ask her".

Everyone look at subhadra who was controlling her laughter".

Arjun said to subhadra by removed her hand from her mouth and siad" Now say ".

As soon as Arjun removed her hand from her mouth she burst out laughing.

Nakul joined her later after becoming a normal.

Subhadra said" I try to show fake magic to him I show his a glass filled with flour and hide one empty glass and then I show him flour fill glass so then I say some fake mantra and hide the flour glass and keep empty glass on my head and pour it but nothing  feel down so he thought I did magic so he ask what was mantra so i tell him the fake mantra i use arya also try but she poured the flour glass on his head".after she finishing she again laugh.

Arjun said"okk kk now stop you are a scary cat don't forgot how you get scared in library when it was full dark ".

Subhadra said" Why you are dragging that matter".

Arjun said"why I can't you are laughing at me i will also laugh at you how you get scared in darkness. "

They both start to fight like a child pandavas and kunti try to stop it but they were fighting only.

Later draupadi get irritated by it and shouted"stop it".

Arjun subhadra stopped everyone look at draupadi. Draupadi see everyone are gazing at her. She cover up"what is need to fight arya Arjun laugh at subhadra getting scared of darkness and subhadra laugh at arya Arjun so both laugh at eachother so it ended. "
After that Arjun left to take bath.after he came after taking bath. Everyone have dinner.

To be continued.

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