The 23 chapter

504 4 2

The sun sets, yet still shines over the Equation Playground.

"So it was like, 10:12, or somewhere around that time, I threw it to him, he missed and just, like, stood there... For 7 hours, he stood there for 7 HOURS, and didn't even pick up the ball!' 3, sitting by a tall oak tree, continues to rant about their day, 'It's catch, EVERYONE knows how to play it! Go ask someone what to do and they know how to play it, because it's the most BASIC ! THING ! EVER!!! And yet 5 can't seem to PICK UP A BALL! We're like, full grown adults or whatever and 5 STILL DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO PICK UP A BALL!!! Can you blame me for shoving him?", 3 looks to their side, waiting for a response.

"7 hours? I'm surprised you managed to be so patient. Good job!" 2 lets out a slight chuckle, writing their notes. Eager to hear what's next. 

3, offended, quickly tries to defend himself, "You're surprised? I can be considerate as well, you know!" taking a quick glance away, upset over a small little remark. 

2 replies, "Hey! That wasn't meant to be rude, your just pretty... Impulsive! That's it," 3 glares at them, "Why did you now decide to be patient? And why with 5 of all people? They're a jerk!", they ask.

Taking a couple seconds to respond, 3 moves back closer to the tree, crossing their arms and sighs, 'Well, 5 was a pretty good friend I guess, one of the few integers with a, somewhat, functioning brain-" "Rude." "It's true! 7 eats pawns, 4 is 4, 9 tried gluing her shades to her face TWICE, I don't think 1 is sane, and if someone asked you to jump off a cliff, you'd probably do it!"


"No offense but, most us of aren't even 'okay'! Meanwhile 5 seemed to be pretty rational, somewhat intelligent, and was actually bearable out of the 2763 of us, even if you think they can be rude. So I decided to be 'nice' and give them more time to pick it up, I didn't expect them to take HOURS! How can someone so smart be so dumb! Dumb enough to be unable to pick up a ball, honestly, it's just-' 3 trails off to another rant.

 So I decided to be 'nice' and give them more time to pick it up, I didn't expect them to take HOURS! How can someone so smart be so dumb! Dumb enough to be unable to pick up a ball, honestly, it's just-' 3 trails off to another rant

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2 attentivly listens, taking note of anything they find interestings; who knew a number could get so mad they'd edmit literal smoke, 3 must of been-!... Fowming? Fouming? Fuming? No, Fooming. That's it. Right? Looking to their right, they're about to ask 3 but... He's occupied. A bit of ash fell from the ground; was the whole 'ball-dropping' thing that bad?

2, concerned, interrupts 3, "Hey 3? I don't mean to alarm you but.." Pointing upwards, a trail of smoke spirals above. "Again-?! I just thought-, I thought it would of just been a one time thing!", embarrassed, 3 quickly glances away, not wanting to acknowledge it any further.

"What's wrong?"

"I'd rather not pollute the air whilst I'm mad, heck, it's a dead give away on how I feel! Can't a odd keep their feelings secret anymore-"

"It's not really a secret if your yelling about it." 2 abruptly replies. "I get why you'd be mad at at them, standing there for 7 hours would of made anyone annoyed and mad but that's not any reason to physically hurt 5!" "I only pushed him-" "That gives you 6 months in jail." 3, frozen for a split second, turns towards 2 again.

Confused, 3 questions 2, "Is that actually true? 6 months just for pushing someone?", 2 nods in reply, "You have to be joking, 2, that's ridiculous!" and said confusion turns to disbelief.

"No, I'm serious, that's an actual law," 2 slightly chuckles, "some people were even sentenced to 5 years." 3 looks of them, dissaproved, "I'm not joking!" 2 rebuttals, yet he doesn't full believe them.

2 continues, "Anyways that's besides the point. 3, your going to have two [finger guns, insert laugh track ensues] be more calm-"

"Is waiting for 7 hours not paitient enough?"

"That's not what I meant! Not exactly, I'm just trying to say you should handle your emotions without harming others," 2 hands their notepad over to 3.

Confused again, 3 responds, "You expect my to write about them?"

"It could help!" 2 smiles, 3 scoffs in response, yet takes it.

Clicking the pen 5 or so times at least, 3 turn to the last 2 pages of the book, pausing for a few secounds before speaking, "Shouldn't I get my own notebook, or something?", 2 shrugs. 3, taking this as a 'Idrc' answer, started to write.

The Sun lowers.

25 pages flooded by 3's rants, with 2 slowly moving closer, taking note of what he wrote. It's been some time since 3 started writing, though noticably calmer, the notebook was full of their scribbles and unreadable text. Though 2 wanted to ask what somethings meant, yet, they figured it was better if they remained quiet.

The Moon becomes much more visible, taking place of the Sun, shining over them.

More time passed by, 67 more pages in, 3's writing became more readable, with less scribbles getting in the way, having small doodles in the pages instead. A slight smile appeared on 3's face, fully invested in their writing; taking notice of this, 2 finally spoke, "You can keep it, if you want", catching 3 off guard.

Putting the pen down, 3 asks, "Don't you need it to work on that newspaper-article-thing?".

2 shrugs, "Eh, I don't really care, I just wanted to help Octahedron write it - Besides, you seem much more enthusiastic about writing them me."

[A/N: That's an actual character in TNPC]

3 pauses, "Enthusiastic?" finally lifting her head from the notebook, 3 takes notice of the moon above, "How long have we've been here-?!"

"Relax, relax, it's only been an hour and 7 minutes."


"92 pages in an hour, that's pretty fast-" 3 shoves the notebook into 2's hands, dropping the pen.

Somewhat worried, 3 frantically apologizes [over nothing] "Oh math I'm so sorry for keeping you here for so long, it's just- Agh-..," 

2 lets out a light laugh, "Don't worry about it! You're calmer now and thats just what I wanted to see," They place their arm around 3's shoulder, "I mean come on, just because it's dark doesn't mean it's late!" "But-" "We've been here for just, 2 hours or something, it really isn't that long in hindsight, you don't need two [finger guns, laugh track ensues] apologize."

Softening, 3 listens to 2, "Honestly I'm pretty glad to be here, with you- I mean your always so... For lack of a better term, sensitive, angry-" "HEY!" "and just very hyper in general! Your always quick to impulse, getting bothered by small things like a variable's value and such, it's just nice to see you quiet, clam, happy, even! I want two [finger guns, laugh track ensues] see you relaxed for once, 3!"


Not knowing how to respond, 3 just moves slightly closer to 2, resting his head on their shoulders.

They both just sit there, in silence, letting time pass by.

Any other number seemed to of left, fled to their homes, leaving it to be just them.

The Moon, still illuminating, was the only thing left alongside them in the equation playground.

It was, peaceful, as simple as it is.




"Thanks for listening to me."

2 gives a slight smiles, just happy to be there.

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