A One fic

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Light slips through thin cracks in the wall, the only thing illuminating the crescent's inside. The first thing to lighten the area since they entered. Upon feeling the sun's rays, they awake.

Slight mumbling is heard outside the moon, a 'challange' to 'fix' it, they can't make it out entirety, yet their interest in piqued. They move closer to the slight tears, wanting to see what lies a head; a glass bottle, rock, ice-cube, a scirbbled-face and cloud-thing. The supposed 'challangers' tasked to fix the moon. Curious, they watch the episode

Ah, that Scribble-Thing can change the plane of reality just to host an advert, how funny.
The odd smiles
What else can these things do?

Eager, they move closer to the rips, wanting to study the objects from afar, learn about who they are. Yet to their dissapointment, the objects leave to some weird advert dimension.

The cloud thing told them to leave! What a shame... 
They're left alone in the moon again - not that they disliked the place, it was their choice to be there - yet this alien group intrigues them, perhaps there are more of them!
They push themself against the moons' walls, slightly expanding the crack, trying to better view the place, the grasslands. 
Glancing to the left, they view a hotel, though hard to make out, they can count a couple objects moving around on the roof: A grey ball, something green, and what they believe to be a bell attatched to.... I dunno. The roof seemed to be rather mishapen, constantly moving.
Is the building sentient as well? Or made of those little objects,,, ah, how silly! Why would those things build with their own kind! How stupid. Stupid, but funny!
Glancing to the right, they find the newly fixed balance beam, embedded in the ocean's floor, stuck together by something red, or well they think something red is there, they're still too far to understand what's there! Beside the structure lies a orangish circle, something red, a bag, two other things they can't make out and... Something green? The 'green' thing left right after they came, confusing One.
What a familiar shade... Meh
They try to move closer, wanting to see what lies in the forest behind, yet their perception cuts short. Still too far off to understand what's outside, but still desperate to watch something new.

So they just stand still, waiting for the previous team to return.

All the other algebraliens are all rather... Chaotic, yet their species' unpredictable nature has became rather predictable for One, even if they did often partake in the nonsense themself, in any case they were the one causing trouble for the sake of having 'fun', but despite their attempts it was all still so boring for them. Everything ended the same, problem, argument, everyone hates eachother, yet continue on as if nothing happened, there's no reconcilation, no rconsequences, no aftermath, just a bunch of pointless grudges with no hint of change happening, just the same 'silly' shenagins that get oh so repititive. The same, boring storyline.
These objects, however, are new to them. So many of them off on their own little adventures - they're all their own people, not havint to rely on a subject for their sense of identity - and look! They all don't entirely hate eachother either! Unbelievable! 

A slight smile appears on One's face, curious on what's next.
Maybe they'll stay awake a little bit longer, just to watch what happends next. 
They're competing for something, aren't they? What for...
Maybe then they'll get to learn about them more. Something new.

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