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Two lets the Divide symbol lay on the ground alongside Add and Subtract.

"It was somewhere up in the sky" Two says - having a guilty tone - standing by the divison symbol's right, "but it was there alone, I think, I didn't actually see the place but I don't think the Times symbol was there-"

Five quickly interrupts, "Then go back and see if it's there - they're counterparts, of course they'd be together!"

Two moves away as Six gets closer to the left of the division symbol "Oh don't worry about it, the Times symbol is at Fifteen's house! Nine can go get it." he states, nonchalantly. 

Nine, still bruised and [slightly] burnt from from xer last ecounter with Fifteen, immediately refuses "No, NONONO I am NOT going back there! NEVER again!", 6 shrugs, "You're the only one with a mode of transport-"
"It exploded against that tree!" 
"Then use your skateboard."
"I don't care I'm still NOT going!!!"

Five facepalms, "Listen - Two was the one who freed Fourteen, and not to mention, the only one of us that can actually carry these things by themself! They'll go get it back." Five glances at Two, they shrug, "Well, it's the least I can do - is she staying at the same forest?" Nine nods, "Then I'll just...." Two stretches their arm, pulling the times symbol back to the equation playground and setting it between the minus and divide symbol.

Four beams, "Finally! We have all four-" he grins, "we can start making equations again!" he tries picking up the addition symbol, X trying to help them before Zero steps in.

"Wait just a second-" Zero pulls X away from the addition symbol, "the division symbol was taken away since the rulers didn't trust us, and the multiplication symbol is... Messy, are we really ready to use them again?" he stares at the others, concerned.

The other integers glare at him, in clear dissaproval, "Zero we JUST got them back and you think we should just 'leave them alone'? Come on man let us have some fun here!" Seven whines.

"I don't know why you'd care about using them," Nine sits on the addition symbol, "your literally nothing! Just because you can't use them doesn't mean we can't!"

Four continues on "We're numbers Zero of COURSE we're going to use the other symbols, that's our purpose! Sticking to Plus and Minus just gets boringggg", Six slightly interrupts "And also because subtraction is pretty useless" Four glares at her, Six nervously moves a side, letting him speak again, "Okay NONE of them are useless but they gotten repetitive, we can't stick to them forever, we need to start using times and divide again!"

Zero facepalms, clearly irritated but still tries to reason, "First of all, we really don't. Second of all, I'm not saying we shouldn't use them I'm just saying we should be careful around them - that division symbol helped Fourteen - If it weren't for the division symbol, Ten wouldn't of gotten hurt! So maybe we should take some time before using them." Mentionning Ten, the other algebraliens respond with an awkward silence, still clearly distraught of what happened to him.

Two, still feeling guilty, is the first to bother to speak up again, "I guess you have a point - honestly I never really liked that symbol-"
Five mutters, bitter, "Uh huh."
Two continues, "I'm serious using that thing was tiring as wherever-negatives-are-from! It was annoying having to divide people all the time when there were a BUNCH of assets at those see-saw things! Besides-" Two pulls Seven close and slightly leans on Five, much to his dislike, "we're prime! The division symbol is practically useless to us!"
Seven chimes in, "Yea, I don't know why you guys were so exicted over it, I'm nones multiple and I was BARELY used as a factor either."
Five, begrudgingly responding, "I guess division was kinda of dumb-" 
Four cuts in, "Dumb?!"
Five quickly responds, clearly irritated, but then again, he always is. "Yes Four it's dumb! 25 numbers from 1-100 can't be divided properly, but if you take all of number kind, then there's an infinite amount of numbers who can't even be divided! So yea, division is kinda dumb!" 

Four glances at Five fo[u]r [haha] a second, before zapping him in a cutaway gag. Insert family guy death pose with Five.

Five silently swears to themself, something about sqaure numbers idk, before X starts to question them "Then why did you guys even look for it?"
The primes respond in ascending order:
"There was a search?"
"Idk I was high or something"
"Well everyone else was doing it!"

Four facepalms, clearly bothered, so X tries to change the topic, "Okay! Okay! Sure the division symbol is kinda dumb but it's still useful-" "for you." "besides there's nothing wrong with the multiplication symb-"

Zero blankly interrupts, "19x18 incident."

 X stops in their tracks, "Okay, maybe you have a point."
X and the numbers move away from the operators, yet Four still stands close to them. "But, we just got them back-"
X drags him away, "Hey- we're still going to use them of course! We should just be - uh - more careful!" Four pulls his arm out of X's grip, but begrudgingly continues to walk away. 
Five begins another one of his lectures, "Oh quit sulking Four! The 'Rulers' took them away for a reason!" the other numbers groaning, already knowing where things are going to go. "So instead of crying about not using them, just be glad they're here again - who knows! If we do something stupid they might just take them away again! And NONE wants to risk that! Who knows, the rulers might even try something worse! You KNOW how powerful they are-"

The scene drowns out, focus shifts on the ones who took both symbols, the rulers of the Equation Playground.


- "They think I'm useless Plus! Useless! Sighsighsigh...."
+ "You aren't useless!"
- "I know!"
/ "At least they don't think you're entire existence is dumb! An entire group of numbers - that's possibly infinite - think my concept is stupid."
x "It is."
+ "Okay guys let's calm down - math is a weird thing and we're the normal part of it, so let's just try to keep that normality!"
/ "Those jerks don't DESERVE my symbol!"
x "We took it away because they used it too much, and now we're doing it for the opposite reasons?"
x "They hurt your feelings - oh boohoo! An all powerful being is sad, everyone! Have some sympathy for the omnipotent and great! A couple of, actually, only 3 primes think you're pretty useless,  but that's only 3 of them. Get over yourself."
- "You could of been a little nicer, Times"
x "Be glad I wasn't talking to you."
+ "Okay guys let's calm down! Wanna play some uno?"
- " ...Plus"
+ "Oh sorry! Uh, wanna watch a movie instead?"
x "I'm leaving."
/ "Good grief she's finnaly gone! Anyways yea of course!"
- "Sure why not"

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