Even Number Clubhouse

172 2 1

"Plus four! I'll go for green."
2 places down a card, leaving 2 left in their deck. 4 curses towards them. "Oh come on! How are you at your final two cards already! For the fifth time in a row" 6 complains - "You know you aren't allowed to use your powers, 2" 0 continues.

Taken aback, 2 quickly tries to defend themself, "Do you really think I'd cheat? Well I'm just offended." 4 places down a green +Two, giving six more cards to 6. "Well, I don't think you're good at this game either!" He scowls.

6 sighs, "Handing me an extra six cards? Come one Four I thought we were working together!" and disgrudingly picks them all up, "None of these are even green! I have to pick up and EXTRA card, thanks a lot, 4."

"I thought you had a +2 as well"

"Well I didn't! Now neither of us are winning."

10 quickly chimes in, "Well 7 is a lucky number isn't -" "Yea because 7 is the lucky one." "I mean, in basic numerology and stuff, this may be a sign!" 6 scoffs.

"And this is why I didn't let you guys in," 8 mumbles, "can we please stop arguing?" he places down a green three while 2, 4, and 6 groan in response. "Your turn, 10!"

"Oh! Yeah!" Ten places down the return thing card, I forgot what they're called. "And I got skipped again, great" 0 states, holding the same seven cards they had at the start. "Sorry 0! That's the only green card I had!" 10 nervously stares at them. 0 simply rolls their eyes, "Yeah, that's alright, it's just a game or whatever." They place their cards down, not expecting to be making a move any time soon.

"Well at least you don't have 18 cards! 6 complains, placing a blue two after 8 places a green one. 4 openly laughs, placing down another +two. 2 glares at them, reluctantly picking up two more cards before placing down a blue seven. 0 is slightly surprised that he actually gets to play for once, but shrugs it off before placing down a return card. 10 is visibly dissapointed, "Sorry, only blue card I had." 

"Oh don't be petty," 8 states, "got any blues, 2?" 2 shakes their head, picking up an extra card, 4 slightly giggles.

They continue paying - 6 becomes more bothered by every card they pick up, blaming everyone, 10 and 0 keep missing their turns and blaming each other, all whilst playing it off as friendly banter, 4 curses at everyone who misconviniences them, and 2 is mainly victim to the blame, it's quite obvious 4 is mainly picking on them for reasons outside the game. It can't be a normal game of Uno if people aren't arguing, ey?

8 blankly states, placing down their final card, a yellow nine.

Six is take aback "Uno-!?! No, no you can't be at one card already-"

"It's been an hour, at least, the game has to end eventually."

Four scoffs at him, "Well it's not going to end with you winning!"


"If anything! You're going to end up with the most cards! Don't think I forgot that +four move!"

"That was 2"


"Let's calm down, can we!" 10 tries to reassures the others, before staring at his cards. 0 quickly agrees, "Yea! I mean, it's just a simple game of Uno, it doesn't matter who wins! Now 10, what card are you putting?" 0 glances at 10, watching him flick between card and card.

6 interrupts 10, mid-flip, "Come on 10! Place down a card already!". 10, dissapointingly, places down a reverse card. 8 puts down a colour-changer-card thing, blanking stating the colour change, "Red".

4 flips the table "JGFVJMGVKJGFTJMGJMJMGKJGVKJGV NO" he yells as 6 tries to reason, "Come on Four! You could of least settled for second place, right-" "SHUTUP6"

2 slightly sulks, "Well, there goes my win-streak, good game guys!" 4 directly glares at them, before whispering, "You,,,"

"Oh not this again-"

"YOU'RE THE REASON WHY I LOST! If you didn't play that +four card, I would of won!" 4 continues to yell at 2, whose barely paying attention, before 6 interrupts, "Well maybe if you didn't play that +two card, I WOULD OF WON!". 4 offended, proceeds to argue with 6, 2 being roped into the conversation.

"Why would you play a reverse card?" 0 immediatly starts questioning 10.

10 quickly tries to rebuttal "That was the only yellow card I had!"

"You know you could of just, picked up a card from the deck, and just, play on right?"

"But I had a yellow card!"

"You can still pick up a card from the deck."


0 facepalms, "10, how long have you been playing Uno?"

"I dunno, a long time?"

"How long to be exact?

"17 years, perhaps."

0 just, glares, they aren't thinking anything bad persay, they're just dumbfounded, "You've been playing Uno for 17 years and didn't know you can just - pick up a card from the deck."

"Does it really matter? 8 still had a colour change card!"

"We could of gave him more cards!"

"Okay! But-" and soon after, 10 and 0 start arguing as well, leaving 8 alone, listening to all this nonsense over a silly card game, he sighs, visibly tired.

"I really need new people to play with,,,"

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