(001) "same page"

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same page ______ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
|| eps. 1 bird physcho ||



"Yo Missy" i yell walking towards missy standing with Malakai.

"Oh hey El" she says looking towards my direction. We do our handshake and continue walking leaving Malakai as he looks after us.

"See you later Malakai" Missy screams at him as he does a soft smile.

I spot Spider and Ant as we walk and notice Ant is looking kind of sad at me following my walk with his eyes. He looks different. He has a checkered shirt on thats half buttoned up revealing his abs.

I just look the other way, showing i'm not interested, and he quickly scratches the back of his head looking down in embarrassment.


"yeah mate you are screwed" Spider laughs as I looks at him serious. "I mean maybe?" I say with a frown on my face.

"No more sex" Spider frowns sarcastically as I hit him hard in the arm. "Ow" he holds on his arm groaning.

"It never happened" I say looking after Elora, eating a gummy following her directions with my eyes.

"Elora's like the hottest girl at this school" Spider says but the only thing i can think about is Elora. How shes walking with her baggy jeans and the belt. The tiny crop top that fits her perfectly.

"How'd you do it mate" Spider says as he waves a hand infront of my face as i quickly look at him and reply with "what"

"Okay, Dusty from wish?" Darren says as we both look at the group arriving infront of us. "Yeah what are you wearing" Amerie says which makes me role my eyes biting on my cross chain thats around my neck.

"It's called evolving, someone has to be the new hot guy at Hartley now" i say looking at Amerie annoyed. "And thats you now, is it?" Darren replies back as i look straight at harper.

"I'm willing to fill any holes left by Dusty, any holes" looking at her mad face made me chuckle as Amerie yells out "She'd rather fuck a cattle prod, perv"

"Chill it's a compliment" i put my hands up in air.



"I would like to introduce a very special new student, to our school. His name is Rowan and he comes all the way from Dubbo" Woodsy says in the hall as everyone is in their position for the school picture

"Lets give Rowan a big welcome!" Woodsy says as Sasha starts clapping while everyone does the same. "Rowan from Dubbo" Woodsy yells clapping with everyone.

I stare tiredly into the air chewing my gum turning around seeing the new Rowan guy behind me.

"Hey, farmer wants a wife!" Spider yells as i chuckle at his comment. "Thank you Spencer" Woodsy says annoyed.

"Aw It giving Morgan Wallen" Missy says and points with her thumb as i smile pushing her arm slighty.

"Keep it country farm-core" Sasha says directed to Rowan ss he chuckles it off.

"Calm your farm everybody" Woodsy yells with her hands spread out in the air as everyone breaks out in laugh.

"Sorry Vest&Less, do you sleep in a shed or..." Spider says as i look back at him with a slight smile. The new Rowan guy trying to act like everythings chill as i look back at woodsy.

"Thank you, now we have the photographer for 10 more minutes!" Woodsy says as a loud bang fills everyone in shock. "What the fuck" i whisper to Missy looking over at the new teacher.

He pulls the pistol up infront of his mouth and blows the dust of it looking over at woodsy with a hand behind his ear.

"I'm sure you all remember, head of PE. mr. Timothy Voss" Woodsy says giving him a few claps.

"Give a welcome back" she says with a awkward tone, as everyone claps scattered staring annoyed at the teacher.

"I heard he joined a russian cult" Quinni says behind me as Darren interrupts.

"I heard he got suspended for having and only fans"

I turn around "Wasn't it Zaddy Voss?" I give a them a chuckle. "I've heard about that!" Quinni says looking at me with a smile.

"Thank you" he repeats endlessly as everyone becomes quiet as i cross my left leg over the other continuously chewing my gum.

"Thank you principal woods, great to be back along side you in the flesh" he says looking at woodsy as i roll my eyes.

"So petty" i whisper to Missy and Sasha. "Honestly" Sasha replies

Woodsy chuckles "it's nice" hitting the air slightly with her hand. "Heard you had a interesting term last term" he says as i chuckle.

Looking forward to getting things back on track, now that i'm back" he says as i look at Missy with a disgusted look on my face.

Jojo looks at him annoyed. "So, as i always say... Lets get ready to score some goals" he says as everyone look at him in a 'what a freak' kind of way.

"So i got goals. For you, i'd like you to all have lovely big smiles" Woodsy interrupts the awkward silence.

"Your hair nice and tidy, and Amerie.." Woodsy says walking to the side.

"If you could refrain from closing your eyes like you have done" i look back at Amerie whos looking at Woodsy confused.

"I just forgot my eyedrops one time" she says behind me.

"Okay everybody and three, two" the photographer says as we all are ready with our smiles.

But a girl runs in and interrupts "Oi! Anthony Vaughns chopping his dick of in the quad!" She says as everyone runs outside while Woodsy yells "No! No!" Repeatedly

What the flip? I run with everyone to see what's going on as i see Ant standing on top of a brick wall.

"My dick is curse, so i'm gonna get rid of it" he says out to everyone with a tiny scissor in his hand.

"Someone get him away from there" Woodsy yells as i look at spider whos looking at Ant worried.

"Get him down from there!" I say looking at him in a angry tone. "I can't" he says as i roll my eyes and bury my head in my hand.

"He's not really gonna chop his dick off" Harper says to Amerie and Ant looks at her "I am. oh i totally am" he says annoyed.

As everyone yells "chop it off! Chop it off" he tries to but Mr. Voss comes flying in the air while screaming and pushes Anthony off the brick wall as everyone gasps. "Nice played Timothy" Woodsy says

What the fuck just happened. Was Ant super high or did something crazy happen over the summer.


Authors note 🗒️
i hope you liked first chapter!!
let me know if something confusing you!
love, delilah *ೃ༄

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