(005) "bullet points"

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bullet points ______ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
|| ept 2. Slts vs c** lords||


"Sup guys" I say pushing a chair over at Missy and Malakais table. "Why are you late" Missy asks me.

"I had to fix some things, but i'm here now" I say with a forced smile chewing on my gum.

"Malakai and Amerie's back together" Missy sighs and looks down at her paper. "Really" i look at them shocked with a smile on my lip.

"Yeah" she says still looking down at her paper as Malakai sits for himself.

"That girls kind of a troublemaker, do you really think it's a good idea?" I say asking Malakai.

"I don't really care what you think" he says and looks down. "Okay harsh much" with a disgusted look on my face as a chuckle comes out of Missys mouth.


Next day was the football match between c**lords and SLTs. They were people gathering to be watchers including Darren and Quinni.

I just knew we were going to win this. I stand beside Missy and tighten my ponytail. "Are we going to let these knuckleheads, rob us of our basic school rights?" Amerie yells as everyone replies with "No!"

"We have just as much of a right to sport facilities as those dickheads. This bullshit idea that men gets first dibs on sports grounds, just cause they got dicks" she says with a harsh face expression.

"Transphobic but" Sasha says looking back on everyone. "Are we gonna stand for that?" Amerie says as everyone replies "No"

"I said are we gonna stand for that?" She repeats and everyone yells "No!"

"Okay so get out there and give 'em hell" She says as everyone cheers and moves away from the circle.

"We're gonna show these bitches who the winners really are" I say stretching my back standing beside Missy. "The hell we are" she says as i give her a smirk.

Harper swings her left holding on Missy shoulders as Sasha screams "He can't do that" and points over at malakai whos taking a c**lord shirt on.

"What a pervert, if he want's to be a loser, let him be" I say crossing my arms looking over at the boys being hyped.

"I can go mid if Malakais out" Harper says running past us. "Actually Harps, um.. we're cool if you sit this one out" Sasha says and i look at them as Harper turns around.

"What?" she says as we all stop up. "You sure you wanna play?" Missy asks as Harper replies with "Yeah why"

"You know, men running at you might be a little triggering" Sasha says and i look at them all three talking.

"No i'm playing, if anything those shitheads should be scared me" she says with a irritated look on her face, as she turns around. "I really don't think you should worry" i say walking away from the others after Harper leaves.

The whistle blows as everyone starts running. I run away spider who's running with ball as Rowan gets it as shoots a score. "Harper, don't touch her. She'll put you in jail" spider says as some boys laugh and Harper looks angry.

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