(003) "lose your turn"

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lose your turn ______ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
|| ept 1. bird psycho ||


"Hey El" Ant stops me grabbing my waist with his left hand. "What do you wan't" i say holding my drink in both hands then looking down at his hand still being on my waist.

"Sorry" he quickly removes it and scratches the back of his head with it. "Are you gonna threaten to cut my private parts off or something" i say looking at him with a indignant expression.

"Oh yeah, look i'm sorry for earlier" he says looking down. "And i'm sorry for you know. The last time" He looks directly at me with his brown almond eyes.

"Appreciate the apology, but what you did was wrong" i say looking back at him with a sullen look.

"I didn't mean to, i wanted to get help but when i came back you were gone" he says looking even more sad than he was before.
"I would never leave you like that"

"Oh" i say calming my face. "You could have called or even texted over summer?" I say looking down slighty.

"I wanted to really, but i was just scared" he says holding up my chin with one finger causing me to look up at him.

"Thanks for letting me know, but uh" i look down as he looses grip on my chin. "I think we should just stay friends" i say and he looks at me for moment.

"Yeah, i understand" he then says and stammers a bit. I feel kind of bad as i walk away from him.



I lost completely, people think i'm a freak and Elora doesn't wan't me anymore. I lean my head towards the wall hitting the backside of my head on the hard rockwall.

"Hey dick-chopper!" A guy yells from the other side of the room. "Safety scissors" another boy yells beside him as they laugh. I felt embarrassed. Maybe it was my fault that i ate those gummies.

I force a smile as i put my hand up in the air once. I see Harper coming towards me with alchohol in her hand. "You okay dude" she asks as i stand straight and start walking with her.

"I say no wuckas" she hands me the alchohol. "But deep down i've got many wuckas" taking a sip from the alchohol tube.

"I'm sorry about this morning, Ameries kind of on one about protecting me" she says as i look at her, it was like i understood her.

"Why don't girls like me? Not even Elora likes me now" i say looking at her confused.
"They all think i'm a creep, including Elora"

"Then stop being a creep, i'm pretty sure Elora knows you aren't a creep" she says grabbing the alchohol back as i sigh.

"I'm not" i say annoyed as she takes a sip of the bottle. "I'm a good guy" i say touching the wall slighty with my hand.

"It just feels like, everytime i open my mouth, chicks jump down my throat. An not in a good way" i say as we continue walking.

"Yeah i don't feel sorry for you" she says as i look at her offended. "Not even a little bit?" I ask looking back at her.

"Girls are leery for a reason" she says as i grab the bottle of vodka. "I get that, i know there are bad dudes out there, i just don't think i'm one of them"

"Anyone can be a bad dude" she says looking at me with har hands lifted. "Do you know how exhausting it is to be a girl? To have your guard up all the time"

I hit her slight in the arm "yeah, i dressed up as a powerpuff girl for Halloween once" i look at her confident.

"I always see you with spider" she says as we stop walking standing in front of eachother

"Have you ever just tried being friends with a girl?" She says as i immediately think of Elora.
"Yeah, fully. Like Elora" i say looking at her as she interrupts me.

"Not just to hook up." She then says as i sigh looking at her confused. She holds on my cheeks "maybe you should start with that"
She says clapping my cheek as i look after her.



I grab another drink pushing myself through a crowd of people. I honestly have no idea where anyone is right now. Don't care. This wasn't the best party to attend to.

I get outside seeing Harper and Darren sitting by themselves on top of a stonewall.
"Hey guys can i sit with you guys?" I say finally reaching their point, as i bite my lip softly.

"Sure" Harper says as they look at me, i sit down beside Harper looking down on all the people. Spider and Ant's standing up against a wall and other people are partying.

"Are you okay, i mean after everything with Ant" Harper asks me as Darren looks at me with a frown on is lip.

"I'm fine" i say looking down for a moment. "Whats happened with Ant" Darren asks me looking perplexed.

"We're not a thing anymore, but its fine honestly" i say as i look back at Darren whos looking at me.

"Yeah right babes" he says "hey i heard Spider thinks Harpers a witch" he then says fixing his posture. "Yeah i think i heard that too" i say with smile as Harper chuckles.

"Lets cast spells on people" he says as we all laugh "i'll go first" he clears his throat and stretches his fingers. "Abra-" he says while making weird movements with his hands as we laugh "shut up" he says then continuing

"Abracadabra, may you always have really bad dick cheese" he says pointing it at spider.

"Abracadabra" Harper says and points straight at Sasha then flipping her off. "May all your bindies find a way into you feet" she says as darren chuckles.

"Good one" i say as Amerie starts yelling from down there. "Hey! We should probably get going" she yells as Harper responds. "What have you done now"

"Yeah good chat" Amerie hurries out of the way. "You wanna come with us" Darren asks "yeah i might as well" i say holding on my forehead slightly.

We pass Ant and Spider and i give Ant a sad glance as he looks at me back with a disappointed expression.


Authors note 🗒️
Hope you enjoyed reading!
Thank you for the views
Stay tuned for another chapter!
love, delilah *ೃ༄

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