(006) "if you insist"

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If you insist ______ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
|| ept 3. The feelings pit ||



"Thank you" i say quietly to the cashier before leaving the grocery store. I walk away looking down but before i look up chook is standing from a distance. "Holy shit" I whisper turning around.

"Where are you going princess" he says with the smirk he always has on his face as i stop up. "Piss off Chook" i say looking at him with a angry face expression.

"Not even a hi?" He says and walks closer to me. "What do you want" i say as he grabs my chin and i force to look at him.

"Why did you just leave last time?" He says and looks at me. "I wan't to forget what happened, you need to stay out of my life" I say as he fast turns me around and holds a small knife to my neck as i groan to look up.

"Say that one more time" he says as i try to move further away from the knife. "Chook please, put the knife down" I say trying to move away from his grip that's holding on waist.

"You helped Harper put my friends in jail, didn't you? And she has the blame" he says tightening the grip around my waist.

"It was the right thing to do" i say as he lets go and pushes me in front of him. "You're gonna pay, just wait" he says as i begin running.

"Don't come near me or DJ" I yell looking back at him almost tripping over a curbstone with a tear falling from my eye.


A flash hits me as i spot Ant digging with the other boys.

"burying their feelings" Amerie says as we walk towards the boys. "They're litterally burying their feelings" she shakes her head slighty as we look at the boys whos digging a hole.

We sit down on the grass "So what did he say exactly" Missy asks Amerie whos sitting with her legs spread out. "We don't need labels" Amerie says looking confused.

"What does that even mean" Harper asks as Amerie replies with "i don't know, oral but ko hand holding"

"Theres definitely something up with him. I just can't figure out what" she says still looking confused. I stare down the grass "Oi are you okay" Missy asks me and i look up.

"Yeah i'm fine" i say looking at them all three look at me. "Guys calm down" I say as we all focus back on Amerie. "Maybe he just has some personal shit going on" Missy says as Amerie replies with "with what?"

"Jesus Amerie, i don't know" Missy chuckles. "You think i've got a hive mind or something"

"I'm pretty sure it could be anything" I say looking at Amerie whos frowning.
"It's giving situationship, you know what they say. Eight out of ten situationships end badly"
Harper takes the word.

"The other two?" Amerie says. "End horrifically" Harper says and looks at us nodding at Amerie.

"I think i just need to ride out whatever this is, until he realises he wants to be with me" she says as all of us look understanding at her.

"Malakais coming" i say as we all get on our feet and Amerie walks towards Malakai. "Hey, that looked like fun. Are you having fun" she says with a energetic smile as Malakai looks at her weird.

"Uh yep" he says with furrowed eyes as Amerie hugs him for some time as we stand looking at them embarrassed.

"Ew" Missy says and turns around "Ugh" Harper says as i furrow my eyes looking at them. "Heaps of fun." He says awkwardly.

"I've actually got to go so" he says and looks behind Amerie. "Oh, right, see you later then" she says looking at Malakai disappointed. "Casually or not, either way" she says as Malakai leaves.

"Was that a um, body shake?" Harper says as we look after Malakai. "Hmm" Amerie nods. "Okay, well, forget about him and just focus on the election yeah?" She says as we walk away from the field.


The bell rings as Zoes voice comes up "Good morning hartley high, welcome to another day in paradise" she says and continues speaking.

Sasha smiles as she finds out she's the person with most votes. "I'm so gonna win the election" she says as we continue walking.

I spot Ant sitting with Harper "Hey guys, just continue. I will meet you later" i say as they continue walking.

"I got it! I got a trial shift" she says energetic as i walk towards them. "Hey Ant can we talk" I say as they both look up at me. "Sure" he says quietly as he moves up from the pillow he was sitting on.

We walk into a empty hall. "Whats up" he asks standing in front of me "I just wanted to ask, are you and Harper. Like a thing? I mean it's totally okay if you are i mean-" it was like all the words came out at the same time.

Before i could finish speaking he kissed me to make me stop speaking. He moved his lips a bit as he pulled apart as i looked at him confused. "W-wha" i try to get words out of my mouth before he interrupts me. "I'm sorry, that wasn't a good idea" he says and looks at me stupidly.

I grab the tie hes wearing and pulls him in for another kiss as his hands moves his hands down to my waist. His body moves closer to me making me head hit the wall behind me.

"Wait i thought-" i stop and looks at him with his face a few inches from mine. "It was stupid. I guess i wanted to move on" he says as scratches the back of his head.

"Maybe we shouldn't tell anyone" i look at him with a worried face expression. "You're right" he says as he pull away from me.


"The Sydney Inter-Outer East Womens Association Pitch Day is a annual tradition. Your talking points" Woodsy says as she hands our cards.

"Wait, Elora. Why are you here?" She asks looking at me confused. "Moral support?" I say looking at her stupidly. "Yeah she can help" Missy says chewing on her gum.

Woodsy mumbles a whatever. "These women provide campaign funding. To the nominated school captains of underprivileged school, to help develop future leaders. Talking points"
She continues.

"So, networking and nepotism." Sasha says as Woodsy takes the word. "Yes thank you Sasha"

"Last year, each party raised over 1000$ each, and historically, the party that raises the most amount of money, goes on to win the election" she says looking at all of us.

"So they'll just give up money" Amerie asks "they will listen to your election promises and if it sounds meaningfull, they will give you some money toward you campaign" she says as Ant looks at Spider and smile.

He notices me and smile slighty as i smile back at him. "So shall we go" she says as everyone gets up from their seats.


Authors note 🗒️
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Thank you for all the views, it means a lot.
love, delilah *ೃ༄

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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