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i have news


so um i kinda maybe auditioned for annabeth

wait you will totally get it

no i won’t
anyway who’d you audition for


you’ll slay that role

and you’ll slay annabeth

fav girl- dior
smile keeper- elizabeth
soul sister- momona
realest- leah
otha half- kenna

fav girl- diorsmile keeper- elizabeth soul sister- momonarealest- leahotha half- kenna

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𝓉𝒽ℯ 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁𝓈✨✨

fav girl
who auditioned for percy jackson


smile keeper
me 2️⃣

fav girl
anyone else??

soul sister
no i forgot

otha half
no i passed the age for a girl

smile keeper

soul sister
wait a boy i acted with is auditioning

smile keeper

soul sister
a boy named walker

kk ima stalk him for you liz

smile keeper

ur welcome

otha half
wait how’d you do liz

smile keeper
ohh i got first for my solo and second for my duo and first for my group dance

fav girl
we have to celebrate

soul sister
kk when and where

smile keeper
ooooo today we can go to the beach

yess it’ll be fun

soul sister
oh you guys can meet walker

otha half
oh yeah and you can meet aryan

smile keeper
dior who did you audition for

fav girl
oh yeah clarisse

smile keeper
wait that would slay

momo kenna you should’ve auditioned

smile keeper
stop that would’ve been perfect

otha half
i’m srry

soul sister
you should’ve reminded me

smile keeper
srry i should’ve

fav girl
wait does anyone need a ride

smile keeper
hold on ima ask my mom
yeah can you drive me

soul sister
hold on
my mom is driving me and walker

can we carpool dior

fav girl
ofc we can

otha half
can i ride with

fav girl
ofc but what about aryan 

otha half
his mom is driving him

fav girl
kk see you soon

were going to go to the beach. yay. no really i’m really excited i just hate meeting new people. as katherine would say i just hate making friends. not really but still.

i go to my closet to find a swim suit. see i’m a big summer girl so the second i can swim i will. but i also make sure to put a book in my tote bag for later.

who knew that dior can drive that fast because right as i’m putting on my cover up.

as i’m running out i make sure to yell an i love you to katherine.

i jump into the car and i realize i’m the first one in here. dior turns to me and looks at me. i turn to her. “how’d you get here so fast?” i ask

“we actually live really close” she answers handing me the aux. i put on lover. when those first notes of i forgot you existed come one dior looks at me and we start to sing along.

by the time leah gets we just started the man. and by the time kenna gets into the car we’re at i think he knows.

once we get to the beach we get out and dior puts on her own playlist on a speaker and we start to set up.

we’re about halfway done when a car pulls up and kenna runs up and hugs the boy inside.

i’m gonna make a guess that this is aryan. he walks back to us and waves to the car. he comes up to us and says, “hey um i’m aryan and i’ve already meet like half of you so i don’t really know why i’m saying this.” we all start to laugh and go back to setting up the beach.

once we get done i lay down and open my book. i put in my headphones to start my reading playlist. see i want to get a tan super early on so later i don’t have to and then i can go swimming. a car pulls up but i dont really pay that much attention to it until someone puts their head above my book.

“hello” i say not even looking up.

“hello… i’m walker you must be elizabeth can i call you liza?” he asks


“what are you reading” he asks sitting down next to me looking over my shoulder.

“oh umm i rereading the first percy jackson book” i say knowing full well that this kid has probably read this like a bajillion times.

“oh i love that book” he says. i turn to look at him. he is a blonde with slightly curly hair but i don’t think he realizes that. his blue eyes could light up any room just by entering and as far as i can tell he’s a very funny person.

we sit in silence me reading and him reading over my shoulder for a while. until momo walks up to me and pulls me up. “noo i wanna read” i whine. i hear a laugh from walker as he closes my book.

“come on they all miss you liz” she says pulling my along. i mean i guess i’m as tan as i’m going to get today.

once we get close to the water i on onto the dock. i want to jump in but now i’m reconsidering it. just as i’m about to turn back someone pushes me in.

not really pushing me more like making me go in.

“i’m going to kill you” i yell. just when i say that a splash i right beside me. walkers face pops up.

“no don’t kill me i didn’t mean it i’m sorry” he says. i give him a fake glare and swim over to everyone else.

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