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i’m in the back of my dads car with leah driving to the premiere. her parents are meeting us there. also rick decided that it would be really cool if we would walk out together.

i’m not ready to see walker again but it’s okay because i get to see everyone else.

the car stops and leah gets out first then i get out, “bye dad i love you!” i yell over the paparazzi.

“i love you too sweetheart.” he says just as loud.

the paparazzi are yelling for me in every which way. i pull out a few poses then they have me and leah take pictures.

my favorite pose we do is both of us blowing kisses at them.

“can we have the core four take some together?” someone says. i freeze and see him.

he looks better than ever in this light. his curls are silky and sitting perfectly on his head. he is wearing a blue suit jacket with all black underneath. he pulls it off so well. so well.

i snap out of it and pose for the picture knowing he’s like 3 feet from me.

once i take pictures with everyone ever. dylan comes up behind me and gives me a hug. “i missed you.”

“i missed you too.” i say into his suit.

“hey i have to go sit down but see you soon?” he asks me.

i nod my head and start to walk to my seat.

“liz i swear to God. you need to just date walker.” i hear lennas voice say.

“lenna!” i say i pull her into a hug. “i haven’t seen you in forever” i tell her.

“no duh.” she says to me. “anyways i will have you know your older sister doesn’t approve of dylan.” she tells me.

“i love you lenns but you don’t get a say in that.” i tell her.

“come on he looks like he sucks ass and plus you can date walker.” she says making a point.

“i can’t date walker he has a girlfriend.” i say walking to the bathroom.

“oh you don’t know?” she asks me.

“what happened?” i turn to her and give her my full attention.

“she dumped him right before this.” she says.

“how is he?”

“i thought you didn’t care.”

“of course i care about him! we shared one room for like 9 months!” i say my voice rising. “sorry i didn’t mean to yell”

“don’t worry i was just teasing you. but i don’t know how walk is he won’t talk to me and is just saying he’s fine.” she says. as much as they may seem like they don’t care about each other they really do.

i care about him to obviously but i will never forgive him for that. i will though go and make sure he is okay.

“where is he?” i ask lenna.

“right now he is,” she checks her phone, “in the bathroom.”

“ok thank you so much lenna i love you mawh.” i say running to the bathroom. he should be i there. and i feel like this could help me learn how to forgive.

he walks out of there and sees me and suddenly everything rushes back to me. i just keep running back to the seating place. walker runs after me and grabs my hand.

“im sorry did i hurt you? oh you fine ok now we can talk.” walker tells me.

“what’s there to talk about?” i asks him begging for leah or mo to walk through that door.

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