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i’m sitting on my bed with walker. i’m the past week we’ve gotten really close. like really close. he is so funny and extremely nice to me. anyways right now we are binging stranger things for some strange reason. like we’ve seen it at least 3 times already.

tomorrow, early, we’re leaving to go to vancouver. yay. i’m really nervous though. everyone else has had acting experience but i’ve only done one job and that was a extra in a small movie so no one knows about it.

right then we get to my most and least favorite scene in this show. the end of season three. this stupid scene always makes me cry. (spoilers sorry) like the fact the el reads the letter that hopper wrote her and then they just leave. like what.

knowing i’m about to cry i bury my face in my pillow. i feel a hand on my back pulling me, “no get up you have to watch this pleaseeeeeee” he says really brining out the last e. jeez this boy. i groan but end up sitting up. as el starts gets to the part about feelings i start to feel the tears coming down.

walkers face turns to me and turns down the show.

“no i like this scene please don’t turn it off” i say whining.

“but your crying” walker points out. every time we watched this we had watched this scene i had hidden the tears and just been silent.

“i know i am but i still love this scene,” i say to him. he gives up and turns back on the tv.

after we finish season three we head downstairs for some dinner. now i have a problem with not eating or at least not eating food that is good for me. like for dinner i had a bag of doritos and some cheese. like what.

i want to cook something for some reason but i don’t want to at the same time. so i grabbed my first meal i always cook. mac and cheese.

walkers eyes widened (in happiness i think) at the sight of the mac and cheese box.

“can i cook with you” he says sounding like a baby.

“sure why not” i say. right now i’m talking to him like how i talk to the kids i teach. he still jumps up and grabs the box.



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