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dude ice cream slays in february

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dude ice cream slays in february

tagged: @your.katherine, @really.lilly, and @sophia.rose.runner

liked by: @walker.scobell and 6,189,2794 others

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we just got off the plane and the first person i see is my mom.

i run up to her and give her a hug, “ohh my catie i can’t believe i haven’t seen you for more than a week in almost a year.” she says in my hair.

my mom calls me catie because that’s always been my nickname to her. same reason amelia calls me it. it’s my nickname because my Godmothers names is caitlin. she is poppy’s mom so my moms best friend and i really love her.

i laugh and go to hug my dad while katherine hugs my mom.

“sweet sweet libby. katie would be so proud of you, you know.  im so sorry for being busy.” he says. i move away and kinda just freeze. we haven’t really talked about katie in a long time. we always think about her but never really talk about her. me and mom walk next to each other to check bags place.

i think that it’s for the best that we talk about katie because it shows that we didn’t forget about her. i mean i don’t we ever could but it needs to show sometimes.

my mom and i are talking about my seclude for recoding songs.

“i’m so happy my catie is honing to be a singer. i’m so proud of her sister too for being my eille for being the amazing daughter she is.” mom says giving us both hugs. i love how my mom will never ever exclude one of us. especially because we are twins.

it gets hard sometimes i know it does but no matter what me and katherine will never EVER be mad at out parents because they excluded one of us. if anything we just get mad at each other.

“it’s so crazy how THE taylor swift wants you to record songs with her.” katherine says. she’s not the biggest swifte but she has know how big of a deal she is sense we were like 4.

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