Chapter 8 She alive

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 Katniss Pov

I woke up in a hospital bed. I turn my head to see Peeta blue orbs are red from crying, his handsome face looking down with concern on his face. Peeta, I say his head moves up to look at me with a sad smile. It kills me. I put it there. What happened? I asked if I went to check on you and when I got there you were standing looking dizzy and unbalanced the next, I knew you were on the floor unconscious he says I am so happy you are alive I don't know what I could do without you he says. I love you I say I love you too he says then we kiss. Katniss, we need to have a talk and I know you aren't going to want to but do for me he says. Ok I say the doctor runs some tests he says with tears ricochet from his blue orbs. He says you're highly underfed he says but I say something I eat you see me yes, but you don't finish your plate.

That why you keep on falling and feel dizzy and your cortisol was really high the doctor wants you to go talk to someone and I know you don't want to, but you want talk to talk to someone else Haymitch Effie anyone I don't want to lose you he says you won't lose me I say. Promise me you will start to take better care of yourself he says I promise. Then the doctor comes in nice to see Miss Everdeen. When can I go home? I say you can go tomorrow morning, but you will have to take it easily and can be in a wheel charger for two weeks. I will do anything I say then he leaves.

Then Haymitch comes into the room and goes to Peeta and says go home and shower and eat. I can stay with her until tomorrow morning. He starts to protest but Haymitch gives him a look and he comes to me and kisses me and says see you tomorrow and he leaves. Hello sweetheart he says hi I say how are you feeling I feel fine I say no tell me the truth it hurts me to see him like this I say. You would not have hurt him if you took care of yourself. At what point I say he comes to sit by my bed and says it would kill him if he knew the way you feel. The point is you and Peeta have gone through so much don't let snow take this from the both of you I see how happy he is with you and how happy you are with him. And I know I don't say this, but I care for you two like you were my kids that I never had he says. He keeps on telling you that you are going to talk to someone, me or Peeta or anyone, stay alive for him, for you and for me and Effie. I will try and we will fall asleep.

Peeta Pov

I hopped in the car and drove to our house. As soon as I get there I go to her room, and I still see her there with no movement. My heart began to beat faster and faster than I couldn't breathe. I feel like I am dying right alone. Then all of the sudden I see Katniss mom see me on the floor dying she comes to me and helps me to the bed I need you to health for me she says but my thought and my heart keeps on beating faster than all of the sudden she comes to me and check my heart beat am I dying I say no your having a panic attack but I feel like I am I know but just health with me In out in and out and did that for a times then I can breathe and she hugs me and I start to cry I thought I lost her I know she going to be oh ok and I know you are taking good care of her. She leaves and I go and shower. I just stand there crying. I am so tired I get dressed then head to her bed and I sleep on her bed alone thinking maybe one day she will be my wife and we can have children then I fall asleep.


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