Chapter 33- 9 months

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katniss pov

I am woken up by back pain, and I say Peeta, and he doesn't say anything right. He Is not here. He working. I get up and head downstairs to eat breakfast, and there is a note with my breakfast on the table that says, I hope this makes your day. I love and don't do anything I would let you do, Peeta. I eat, then I stand up to wash the dish, and as I am washing my plate, I feel the baby lowering, and I feel a sharp pain. Then I walk over to the couch. I put my hand on my baby bump, thinking It is almost time. I am so scared. What if I can't do it. I hurt our baby. I started to cry and heard a knock on the door. I say Come in, and it's my mother. Hello, I say.

I take a deep breath. Katniss says, "Oh, okay, " and " Well, I came to check on you and baby. Oh, I stand up, feeling a massive pain in my belly. I take another deep breath, and my mom helps me up the stairs. She helps me lay down and pulls up on my dress to see. She says It looks like the baby is lowering, which means you could have the baby anytime she says Katniss, how are you feeling? I feel. Then I start to cry. My mother hugs me and says I know you are sacred. Still, Peeta will be with you the whole time, and he loves you so much. Then she says I want you to take an essay, so no walking for long periods. She knew I was alone.

As soon as she left, Peeta ran into the room. Why was your mother here? Oh, okay, he said I'm fine. She just wanted to check how I was feeling, and I had been feeling l like we were about to have a baby; she said it could happen any time now, so I couldn't do much, and we went to bed. I wake, and he is not here because he is at work, I get up, and a considerable pain comes In. I breathed through, and then I wanted down stars to call Haymitch. I don't want to be alone. Then he came in with his chess set, and we set up to play. I move then he moved then he says how our you feeling I feel so tired then I move and we do for a while but then I move and then I feel sharp pain and I breath through then haymitch say are you oh okay yes I say then five minutes later I breathe though then I ask Heymtich do you have watch yes he say and you time my concerns of course and we keep on play I have a contores 10- 15 part then Heymtich says should I call Peeta no it will be while so we keep on playing into I can't play any more the next contraction was hurts so much I screaming Haymitch that it I need to take you to your bed Haymitch helps stand up then I hear a waite sound from blow and another contraction and I scream I start to get really scared I tell him my water just broke he helps us the stars and we stop on the way with eveth contraction he help me lay on the bed Heymtich says he going to call Peeta he stays with and holds my hand has he dose then Peeta answers Peeta Heymtich I am with Katniss and where water just bronk then I here hims say how Is she he says she going to fine then he hanges Peeta on his way. Then, there was a tother contraction, and I tried to breathe through. Still, I scram anyway, and they keep on coming, and I scream, and Heymtich keeps on saying it's going to be oh, and I scream in pain again. I scream, and then I hear Peeta run upstairs. He runs over to me, kisses my forehead, and then says, "You will be? Oh, okay, he says. Then he turns. Heymtich, have you called the doctor? No, he says, then I say, it's because I don't go into it really time, then another contraction and Peeta holds my hand, saying you are doing so well and I scream.

Three hours later

I scream and squeeze Peeta's hand, then Peeta ho, as long as I will be in labor, Haymitch says three hours, and I scream from the pain. I can't do this, I say to Peeta.

She looks at me and says yes, you can. You are doing so well. The contrast goes another hour, then Peeta, I think it's time to call. Stay with me, I say, and he says always, and he calls here, then he says she Is on her way. Then I had another contraction, and I screamed. Then my mom came up and walked up to me and asked how I felt. She said I felt so tired. How long has she been In labor? 4 hours here, contractions. I ask Peetas for 10-15 minutes, but it keeps going. I hear her, Katniss, I know it, you got this. I will check how dilated my cheeks are, and then she says you are 1 cm dilated, I scram. How Is it that I am In labor for four hours? I know she says it is just your body. It takes time, and then I have another one, and I scream. Then my mom says Peeta will help her up and see if she walks can

Help Peeta helps me up and walk with me in my

Room and I steam in pain. We walked for an hour, and then I say Peeta, I can't walk anymore so he left me up and put me in bed. Katniss, my mom, I will see if you have dilated it anymore. Then she says you are 2 cm dilated now. Haymtich. Can you go get some cold water and a hand towel? I say, Peeta, it hurts so much. I say he, I know, love, you are doing fantastic. Just imagine holding our daughter soon. I love he says I love you too, and the pain comes back. It hurts so much I am trying not to scream. For hours later I am in so much pain and my contrarian are getting close together then my mom say Katniss you are filled dilated so next time you have a contraction start pushing then I feel one about to start and I squeeze Peeta hand and my mom say push Katniss I begin to push and scream I am so tired I can't do this then Peeta looks at me and says you can do this you our so close kiss me then I feel it aging and I push and push it hurts it hurts so bad then my mother say she crowning she say then I think it starting to happen and another one happen my my says give me three more push than Peeta say I love you Katniss and I push it hurts so bad then I feel her come out then she start cry and I start crying to my mother briggs here to me and lay her on my chest then she say Peeta do you wanted to do the honey he cuts the cord I say she beautifully I say and start to cry then Peeta locks at me with scared are you feel oh okay yes I am just sore and tried then he says I am so lucky to have a life with you and he kiss me then my mom check to see if I am fine and then she says you are good just take it essay you will be sore for a little and if you need anything you can call me then she says I am so proad of you and I love three an she leaves.

I look at her orbs, which are blue like Peeta's, and have my hair, and then I say her name for the first time. Hello, Primrose Effie Mellark. She looks at me, and I can't believe there was a time when I did not want children. Then Peeta says Hello, it's Daddy. We lay there until she fell asleep, and Peeta put her in the NenSury. Then he asked me if I wanted a bath or to show. I said a bath, then he went to fill the tub, and then he came and picked me up and helped me because I was so sore. Then he helped me get dressed, and we went to sleep in one another's arms and were so happy.

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