Secrets & Guys

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*At a house*

"Here you go. Max!" a man says as he hands his son a plate of food when suddenly the door was kicked open, and two men in black masks come in one taking Max covering his mouth and the other one pointing a gun at Max's father as he sits down in a chair.

"Don't move! Don't breathe! Just listen! We're going to be borrowing your kid. We need him just for a day. Now, if you're smart, you will not call the cops. We will have him safe and sound, first thing Monday morning, ready for school. Do you understand?" the man in the mask says to Max's father.

"Yeah, yeah." Max's father says.

"Just out little secret, right?" the man in the masks asks.

"Yeah." Max's father says and then the man hits Max's father with his gun knocking Max's father unconscious.

"Dad!" Max muffley exclaims as the men drags him out of the house.

*At the manor*

"Can I just say I am actually enjoying this?" Phoebe says.

"That's because you're not doing anything." Piper says as she shakes an etch it sketch in her.

"Not true. I've painted my fingers and my toes." Phoebe says as she puts the lid back on her nail polish.

"I just hope that this doesn't fall under the personal gain category." Prue says.

"How could it? A good witch is a clean witch." Piper says.

"Yep. I think we should spring clean like this more often. You go, girl." Phoebe says and then Prue uses her powers to move things in the dressers and drawers and shelves as Phoenix is cleaning the windows quietly.

"Good job, Prue. Oh, look, more toys. I told you Grams wouldn't throw them away." Piper says as she sees a box of toys.

"Yeah, but we will. Why don't you just put that stuff in the discard pile?" Prue says and then Phoenix comes over to them sits on the floor next to Prue.

"Wait. What's in there?" Phoebe asks as she sets her feet on the floor.

"Stuffed animals without eyeballs, dollies that look like they've been through the mill once or twice...and looky here Miss Phoebe's diaries." Piper says as she grabs each item out of the box.

"The place where I kept all my secrets. Give me those. What?" Phoebe says as she takes the diaries from Piper.

"The place where you kept your secrets?" Prue asks Phoebe.

"Uh-huh." Phoebe says as she opens one of her diaries.

"Phoebe, you could never keep a secret." Piper tells Phoebe.

"Oh, that is so not true." Phoebe says.

"Okay, maybe Prue's surprise birthday party." Piper says.

"Guess again." Prue tells Piper.

"You knew?" Piper asks.

"Mm-hmm." Prue hums.

"Phoebe, you swore you wouldn't tell her." Piper says as she hits Phoebe with a doll in her hand.

"It's Phoebe what did you expect?" Phoenix says to Piper softly.

"I'm sorry, okay? It was an accident. I say we keep all the toys." Phoebe says.

"Subject changer." Prue says.

"For our children, for our future." Phoebe says.

"That's a good idea." Piper says as she picks up another toy.

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