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Cold fury reflected back in his grey eyes.

I was having a bad feeling about everything, my instincts were telling me to run far away. The man I'm seeing in front of me is no longer human he has shed his skin and turned into the devil.

He stalked near me, his steps fast, measured.

"Mr. Sin-" but before I could even finished my words, I was chokeslammed against the wall, the momentum knocking me out of breath.

I tried to struggle against his grip, but all was in vain. He had physical strength advantage.

But breathing was becoming a difficulty and if he doesn't loosen the hold, I am definitely going to choke to death.

"We've unfinished business Dr. Rawal." He said finally loosening his hands from my neck.

His breathing was as erratic as mine.
The dim light of the room cast eerie shadows across the walls, mirroring the uncertainty that filled the air. Hridaan stood before me, his features shrouded in a veil of bewilderment and something else-anger, perhaps, restrained but palpable.

My breath hitched, pulse quickening as I struggled to find words amidst the tension that crackled between us. I could feel the weight of his gaze, sharp and piercing, as if trying to unravel the truth behind my presence in his domain.

He definitely didn't look happy, as expected

"I-," I began, my voice barely above a whisper, I was still trying to breathe normal, "I didn't know it was your room."

Hridhaan's expression remained inscrutable, a mask of stoicism concealing the turmoil within.

"And after I came to know," I continued, my voice still hoarse, "I asked for another one. But Mrs. Tara Singhania had already instructed the servants to shift my things here."

My words echoed in the room. Yet, the distance in Hridhaan's demeanor remained, his icy façade unyielding to the turmoil raging within.

For a moment, neither of us spoke.

"I see," he said, his voice a mere whisper in the stillness of the room.

"And," my voice rang out, each word laced with simmering fury, "who the hell gave you the right to choke me like you just did?"

The raw edge in my tone sliced through the air, it shocked me too, punctuating the tension that hung between us like a heavy fog. The memory of Hridhaan's hands around my throat surged to the forefront of my mind, igniting a firestorm of indignation within me.

The anger that had simmered beneath the surface now bubbled over, fueled by the events of the day-the forced marriage, the suffocating sense of helplessness that had plagued every step.

I have had enough.

Hridaan turned to face me once more, his expression unreadable as he met my gaze head-on.

But I clearly avoided looking in his eyes. For a fleeting moment, the air crackled with the weight of unspoken words.

And suddenly Hridhaan's fists collided with the wall beside me, the sound reverberating through the room like a thunderclap. I flinched instinctively, the sudden movement sending a shiver of apprehension down my spine.

Trapped between the unyielding barrier of the wall and the imposing figure of Hridaan, I felt like a cornered prey, at the mercy of a predator whose intentions were as inscrutable as they were menacing.

Without a word, Hridhaan continued to loom over , his gaze piercing through me like a dagger, each moment stretching out into eternity as the weight of his scrutiny bore down upon me.

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