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I will not water myself down to make me more digestible for you.
You can choke.

Avya's POV

As I pushed the heavy iron handle, I opened the door carefully, making sure it didn't make a sound.

Even if the mansion was empty and everyone had gone to the gala, it still had guards and helpers. But they hardly ever came to this side of the mansion. It was still a risk, but one worth taking.

After the documents Hridhaan sent me, my mind was a hazy mix. I needed answers.

And finding Mythila down here yesterday felt like a betrayal.

I shouldn't be standing down here, opening doors that I didn't have any right to, but I had long since said "fuck it" to any rules when it was concerned to this house.

As I entered the dimly lit space, I turned on the torchlight of my phone, the beam cutting through the darkness. The sight of golden bricks and guns greeted me, reflecting brightly in the light.

This was where Mythila was yesterday.

I walked towards the table where various documents and objects were placed.

Dadi asked me this morning if I was coming which was a nit of a surprise in itself. All I had to do was pull the "who'll look after Mythila" card, and I was excused.

And right now, my dear patient was resting. I made sure Vani was present in the room, instructing her strictly to call or message the minute she woke up.

I wouldn't take risks this time. Being prepared for the worst-case scenario was what I should have done in the first place.

There was a ninety-nine percent chance no one would come down here and find me, but that one percent scared me.

As I reached the table, I carefully observed the things that looked slightly displaced: files and documents, some old, some new.

Does someone other than Mythila visit here?

Of course someone does. My highest bets are on Dadi and Abhinav Singhania. They both have been the most secluded and suspicious ones.

Especially my father-in-law. He hasn't really visited Mythila since she came back home.

I touched the objects: golden jewels and artifacts scattered here and there. I didn't know what I was looking for, but I wanted to know what was so important that Mythila had to secretly come here.

But it was nothing more than antique objects, documents, old files, jewels, loads of them—emeralds, sapphires, and even diamonds—and letters.

My hands froze on an envelope. My breathing hitched.

A thick red-colored, gold-bordered letter; pulling me down the memory lane.

This can't be.

I snatched it from the table, examining it carefully, making sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me.

They weren't.

The letter was the exact same theme and style.

Goosebumps rose on my skin.

This was one of the worst memories. Why is it in the Singhania mansion?

Without thinking much, I opened it, trying to find what was inside. Fumbling, I pulled the letter out and read it carefully, twice.

It was some business venture addressed to Jaipur. Everything else was legal terms and conditions. Nothing that stood out.

Sighing, I looked at the envelope, trying to find clues. It was the same dark red color, gold-bordered, but there was a small mark at the center this time.

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