1 - I want him Back

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Kyeomie pov.

"Dude what are you doing yet again??" asked my beloved seatmate.

"You know what I'll say and I know you'll get annoyed again so I'll respectfully answer you with a lie. here it goes.." I said while inhaling deeply to prepare my well prepared line.

"Oh this? it's nothing at all. Just doing some scrapbooking." I said sarcastically and I just saw Hoshi rolled his eyes to the back of his head. I know I'm annoying him already.

"You know, he's never gonna read those anyway. Plussss how many paper and time are you going to waste just to get him to notice you. Honestly dude it's getting borderline creepy. I mean your phone is full of his face already." Hoshi said.

"You knew this when you decide to befriend me" I said to him with a smile.

"One, I had no choice, our parents are basically sisters. Second, this is definitely not what I was signing for And now I'm stuck with you" He said.

This is my best friend in the whole wild world. His name is Hoshi And yes I meant to say wild world because as crazy as it sounds he actually believes that he's a tiger. And he's not talking about his past life no, not a chance, he actually is a tiger in this life, well that's according to him himself.

"Crush alert! he's walking inside in 10 seconds." He suddenly whispered half shouted at my ear. I swatted him away from me and he just laughed at me. Seriously even if he doesn't say it I know at exactly 7:28 am he's entering the room.

As the number one person that knows Joshua. He is always on time, very consistent. He can never do anything that can surprise me. I know his every schedule and he follows them religiously. I might seem like a stalker now but really I just admire the man. Class president, Never been sent to the Office for violating any rule. In fact he has never made a mistake as long a I have known him. He is the only one that I can trust to be constant in my life. My perfect gentleman crush.

"Everyone may I have your attention please." He suddenly said as he stood up in the front as soon as he entered the room.

"You can have every inch of my attention Mr. President" I whispered to myself but apparently Hoshi heard it clearly because I could see him cringe and pushed me a little.

"Dude you're sick" Hoshi said while shaking his head disapprovingly.

"I know everyone has already heard the news of Ms. Uni having her Maternal leave starting today. The office has instructed me to deliver this message and introduce our new Teacher for the remaining of our Semester... Let's all welcome and greet Mr. Hao." He said and here comes a black haired man with the height of a super model. Everyone stood up and offered our greetings. I can hear little murmurs from the girls in our class because of Mr. Hao.

"He's really handsome" I commented and Hoshi looked at me disapprovingly again.

"Dude pick a lane!" he said.

"I just complimented our teacher. I'm still loyal to my husband." I said and Hoshi looked like he regret making any comments.

"Thank You Mr. Hong. You have a really dependable Class President here class." Mr Hao jokingly said and Joshua just nodded his head to acknowledge him.

"I'll be your homeroom teacher starting this day. Please be good to me." He said again with a little bit of smile. He gave us a little introduction and we introduced ourselves to him as well. He was really good, pretty experienced and calm as well. I like that about him but I had the sense that he was not fond of my bestie here. He keeps on disregarding Hoshi's attempt to introducing himself as a tiger... which I kind of understand but still.

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