2- Crazy Town

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Kyeom pov.

"Do you ever believe that there are people that can cross universe?" I asked as I continued to write in my paper. This idea has been running in and out of my mind for the past 2 hours as we were working on our paper.

"Like aliens?" Hoshi asked nonchalantly.

"Are you guys still on about that? Just be happy he's talking to you like buddies now. Unlike last time where you just try to catch his attention all the freaking time. Honestly it was pretty embarrassing and cringy" Jeonghan said as he rolled his eyes at me. Understandably because I have been talking about this for the past hour or so.

"You guys should just shut up before the teacher gets angry." Wonu warned us and we did. I decided to just let it go for a while and let the group work swallow my mind.

few minutes later....

"Hey! Kyeomie can I join your group?" A very familiar sexy voice said behind my back.

"Uhmmm... no thanks were fine." I said without thinking and everyone looked at me and I even heard one girl gasped behind me. Over dramatic much?

"Dude..." Hoshi said while shaking his head In disbelief.

"Oh... I see.. next time then." He said as he asked another group of people to work with him and I just sat there knowing full well my friends and classmates are judging what just happened.

"What the hell was that?!?! Are you crazy?" Asked Cheol.

"I don't wanna work with an imposter!" I told them and they all collectively rolled their eyes at me.

"I'm all up in your theory or whatever but you're forgetting one fact and the fact is that we are missing one member." Cheol said to me and I looked at him apologetically. I mean this is so freaking new.

"How about Mingi? He looks like a lost puppy" Asked Wonu.

"Better than no one right?" I suggested because I was the one that rejected Joshua. Wait! What A damn minute. I did just reject him right?!? I am really out of my mind here!

"What's wrong with him?" Asked Mingi as Wonu invited him over and saw my confused face.

"He's having an identity crisis... but then again it seemed more like a crush crisis." Jeonghan said adding sarcasm in the tone.

"Should I ask him?" I saw Mingi whispering to Wonu.

"You're probably safer not knowing." He replied to him.

"Hey! Mingi! Don't you think your friend there is strange? I mean stranger than usual?" I asked him. He just looked at me like I was the one being crazy.

"Aside from him disappearing on us the last fews days. Nothing more. He probably just had a new haircut." He said and I just rolled my eyes at him. Of course I would know if he had a haircut and he didn't. I'm sure. I would sooner believe that he had a brain transplant than he was normal.

"Everyone time is up please discuss with your group what other ideas you can gather and see you on the next meeting." Mr. Hao said. The project was about the history of tea. I mean it's pretty on brand because he likes tea so much.

Before we could all go. Mr. Hao said something.

"Oh and before you all go. Your class president here still has no group. And all of you have complete members already so he can just pick where he wants to go. Welcome him well guys" Mr. Hao said and then went out.

"That's great! Josh come with us." Mingi suddenly said before I could say anything. Joshua went towards us and smiled a little until he looked at my expression.

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