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Kyeom pov.

It's been a week since Joshi started pretending to be Joshua and it has been a hell of a ride. I would be in his apartment most of the time to help him with stuff he needed to do. I didn't know how Joshua did all this work alone but it was definitely a lot. I know I observed him study and work at the same time but I haven't really had the chance to understand how tiring his life is.

" Dude you looked like you haven't got any sleep. And why the hell didn't you call me again tonight? I was worried sick" Hoshi told me as he sat beside me in our first subject.  It's true that I haven't got any sleep and all I could blame it on is that stupid event that happened recently. 

"I had a thing. Don't be so over dramatic." I answered coldly.

"What have they done to your friend?!? Wheres the sunshine???" Asked Jeonghan as he sat beside me. I just glared at him and rolled my eyes.

"Sleep-deprived Kyeomi is scary." He said and Wonu giggled at the back.

"Seriously what's up with you?" Asked Jeonghan.

"He's just being a sourpuss because his crush is not paying attention to him anymore". Hoshi joked but deep down I know why he isn't talking to me? That's because I asked him too.  I mean naturally Joshua wont talk to me sometimes not even a glance so it should be like this.

"That's alright dude. You got us." Wonu suddenly said and we all looked at him in shock. You know sometimes he just surprises us out of nowhere.

"Wonuuuuuuu.. come here I'll give you a kisss!!!" I said pretty loudly and then Wonu stood up and ran away from me right away. We chased each other in the room and even Cheol was laughing at both of us.

"Alright no kiss I'll give you a hug." He said and then I was shocked but gladly offered my hug to him. In a split second Jeonghan was behind me.

"How about me?" He asked and I chuckled a little. He looked like he was sulking.

"Alright let me give you both a hug." Wonu said and he did. We were all enjoying ourselves when all of a sudden the person I least expect to show up, walked towards us.

"Hey! I'm sorry to interrupt but I need to talk to Kyeom." Joshi said and I looked at him in disbelief. I just told him not to talk to me and yet he's here again disturbing me from my peace.

"Alright all yours." Jeonghan said as he winked at me pretty obviously. If I would let my intrusive thoughts win,  a chair should be flying across the room right now.

"Thank you. It's about the project." He said and they nodded. Openly giving me away and obviously teasing me since they don't even know he's not my husband.

As soon as we were outside, I dragged him into the corridor so that people wont notice us or hear us.

"Didn't we talk about not talking to each other during class?" I asked him right away.

"Yeah but I have a problem. Julie said that I said yes to being an understudy of the main lead in a play and I memorized the play by heart so it would be easy for me. I don't even know the character or  the title of the play! And it's tomorrow." He said in panic. I would totally laugh at this if this happened to my friend but this was not a simple problem.

"Crap, I forgot about that. What happened to the lead?" I asked.

"I heard he had an allergic reaction to the sandwich during lunch. Damn that sandwich I could have gotten away with it." He said and I chuckled. He glared at me and I shut it.

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