11 - My Dilema

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Joshua pov.

"So how do we do this?" I asked in the middle of the silence between us. We are currently in my apartment facing each other for the first time in years. It's weird seeing him and seeing my face.

"How are you?" He asked and I exploded.

"No! You're not gonna blow past all the things that happened before and just randomly go back here! What the hell? Where did you disappear to? And my god I have so many questions I might explode!" I shouted and he just looked at me as I had my meltdown.

"Alright calm down. Fix yourself. I'm gonna talk to you and explain everything. Then you tell me why you're dressed in my clothes and going to my school apparently." He said as he pointed at my I.D and uniform hanging in the back of the door.

"Your mother made me pretend to be you. He told me you got kidnapped! I am stuck as you. Because of your silly trust fund. Now what happened to you and you said something about our mom! You saw her?? How is she?" I said with panic because it has been a while since our step mom told me anything about the case.

"She is doing fine... it's just that I can't tell you about her. My mom, my step mom, she threatened to kill her if I say something to you... and I don't think she's kidding anymore. I saw... i saw Yuki.." he said as his face contorted as if he saw something he shouldn't have. Then a tear fell into his face. He had a hard time continuing and then he took a deep breath.

"She killed Yuki." He said.

"Your step mom is a monster! I mean who would do that? Wait sorry but Who's Yuki?" I asked.

"I didn't know she was crazy like that. Yuki's  my fiancé." He finally admitted.

"You have a fiancé'!!?! But Kyeomi told me you were single! He's gonna freak!" I suddenly said forgetting the severity of the situation.

"Had. She's dead." He said.

"So that's why you've been gone for almost 2 months. I'm so sorry. What can I do?" I asked as I gave him a hug. He looked collected earlier so I didn't know he was hurting this bad.

"She's too evil to be entertained. I just ran away wanting to be gone from this earth. But I later realized that she's gonna continue all this even if I go. I just need to face her and warn dad." He said with conviction.

"You can't talk to dad without her knowing. Believe me I tried. And I got beat up." I told him and he shook his head in disbelief.

"I thought she was nice. She went to my every event. Comforted me when I'm down and supported me in every choice I make. And acted like a real mother. I even called her mom." He said as he looked lost in the eyes.

"I'm Sorry. Did she tell you why she did it?" I asked him.

"It's always about money. I just realized it later. She only got close to me and my father because of the benefits I come with. At the age of 18 if I get a fiancé or get wedded, my father would give me my trust fund which is under her name right now. Without me getting any partner, She will still be the one handling my trust fund. When I told her I had someone already, she freaked and told me to cut it out." He said.

"But you didn't." I said.

"And she killed her." He said sadly again.

"Oh Joshua come here. I'm sorry you had to live like that" I said as I hugged him again. I know we are not close as brothers but it looked like he was so devastated.

"How did she do it?" I asked as my brother continued to sob. Gone is the perfect man Kyeomie described to me.

"Someone shot her. She died alone in her apartment. Before I could come visit her. I was too late. When I arrived she was already cold. And there was even a suicide letter. But I know she didn't write it." He said. I can't imagine the hurt my brother is feeling right now. I mean who would do that?!?

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