Ch.5. A Backstory...

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Callum's POV:

"Who was your first love?"

I asked gently hoping to get a juicy story from Faith about some crush of hers in eighth grade. But after inquiring, her knuckles turned white and all the color from her face seemed to wash away. Faith looked, like she was reminded of something, something that traumatized her.

I hope I didn't strike a nerve. Even Allegra and Leo lowered their heads not saying a word. It seemed like this was Faith's call.

"Hey, you don't need to tell me, if you don't want to." I try to console her. This looked it was something she really didn't want to talk about.

After a moment of silence, Faith speaks up.

"When I was 8 years old, before I knew Al and Leo, there used to be a boy that lived next door, where you do now. We grew up together you know? Literally inseparable. His name was Aaron Alexander. We'd have sleepovers, host picnics outside in the garden, bake together, even go go-karting, and we did everything together. One day, when we were coming back from school in a taxi because our parents were busy, the taxi driver, was drunk." She said letting out a sigh with a slight smile looking up at the night sky for reassurance.

My heart broke for Faith. But I wasn't going to say anything.

"The car, it c-crashed into the community centre. Aaron was in critical condition, while I was completely fine. I only suffered a few mere gashes and bruises but Aaron... he had a case of brain damage and his liver was ruptured. After he was taken to the hospital here, they said that he needed to be moved to the best hospital in New York City. Every day, I'd call up his mom to check on him. No progress. For weeks, I prayed for him, that he'd wake up one day with that cheeky smile of his and beg me to play on the Nintendo with him." Hearing that reminded me of a lot of things.

"Eventually, I got no responses, and we lost touch. It's been 9 years now. But, even today, I look up at the stars and wonder how he's doing, whether tonight he's looking at the same moon above as me." Tears began to prick at the corners of her eyes.

"Even though I was too young to understand it, I did. And I think I loved him. Aaron... was my first love."

Silence overcame us. Allegra scooted closer towards Faith and pulled her into an embrace from the side. Leo did the same and left me as the only one who seemed distant. I decide to take the shot and join the group hug.

"Dammit Leo, you drank all the water." Allegra mutters making all of us laugh.

"Not funny Al." Leo sits with his arms crossed in annoyance but gives in as we welcome him back into our hug.

Faith's POV:

As we move away from each other from the hug that I hadn't felt in a long time, I motion for everyone to place their hands in the middle, stacked on top of each other.

"All for one!" I say in cheer despite my vulnerable voice.

As we raise hands, I and Callum seemed to be the only ones knowing the cheer.

"And one for all!" We yell at the top of our lungs careless of the people sleeping here.

We were both really surprised.

"Oh COME ON! You guys were the Three Musketeers and you two didn't even know the cheer?!" Callum emphasises in shock. Utter shock. To be honest, I was too.

"This is just flat out disappointing. Disappointing." I say shaking my head in disapproval.

"This is just proof that you guys, are meant to be." Allegra exclaims in excitement pointing fingers in an attempt to change the topic.

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