Chapter 10. A party, well sort of...

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(dedicated to Bee as well, just couldn't add more than one name) 

Listen to this song on repeat for this chapter.

Faith's POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about him. Why? I don't know.

He'd just left and deep down, just like him, I wanted him to stay. But it was too late, he should go home, so I gave in.

Here I lay, sprawled across my bed with my hands on my stomach staring at the white ceiling about me. Is he sleeping? Already?

I rise from my position and rush to my balcony door which I open and let in the cool breeze of the night. I lean my hands on the ledge of the railing and try to peek into his room where I observe his curtains still halfway open.

I see him, oh he's taking his shirt off, I see. Nope, didn't see anything. He must've just reached home and changed to go to bed. Well not really changing exactly, I'm guessing he's just sleeping shirtless. Lord why do I care?

As he's about to close the curtains he notices me and smirks. I instantly run back into my room shutting the door and slamming the curtains closed as fast as I can. No way, he just saw me watching. He probably thinks I'm a pervert. I mean I probably am, but HE can't know that.

I turn the bright white ceiling lights in my room off and turn on the lamp on my desk taking a seat by it. I pull out a quill-like pen (one of my favorites) from my drawer and open up my blue notebook that rested on the pine surface. I flip the pages to a new blank page and begin a new letter entry.


Dear Aaron,

Today, once again, Callum and I hung out together at mine. At this point I'm convinced he doesn't like his house, although I really like it. I mean, nostalgia right? We'd have so much fun over there at your house. I still remember how we'd play hide and seek and I'd always hide in the basement. You'd always, always find me before the clock even hit two minutes. We baked together, and he has this tiny like pink teacup, and let me tell you it's adorable, and he's obsessed with it, like it's his child or something. Of course I'm not telling him it's cute.

He even took me out on a motorcycle ride earlier to the DIY store nearby and it felt, just like, you know, what it's supposed to feel like. I'm not saying it. On the way back, I drove and I could just feel him clinging onto me tighter, probably worried I was gonna make us crash into something.

Moments like this make me think. If you were still here, and you grew up, what would you be like?

The questions lingers over my mind, but at the same thing, I see him at the back of my head, in my subconscious.

I wonder why.

Well, I know, but I don't wanna admit it.




"Are you coming to his house?" I hear Allegra ask me squealing in excitement.

"Depends, did he invite me?" I speak in an intended dull tone while observing my nails, out of which one had chipped.

Allegra lets out the loudest sigh I've ever heard.

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