Chapter 14. First Day

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Sorry it took me a while to update.

Faith's POV:

I woke up to feel a strange familiar wet feeling on my face. I open my eyes to see that it was Percy licking my face trying to wake me up.

Percy was my alarm-clock. And he was absolutely perfect at his job. Everyday, he'd wake me up ten minutes before I was supposed to in order to feed him and wake up myself.

You might ask, why ten minutes? Because that's how long it takes me to give into his slobber. It was a very efficient method.

I roll out of bed hugging Percy tightly.

"I've missed you Purse." I pat his head making his tail wag. Eventually, he heads downstairs and I follow him. He leads me to his feeding bowl in the dining room where the table and the chairs had been put back in place last night after Callum left.

I open his dog food packet and pour some into his bowl ensuring he's not hungry until I come home. I begin my own routine once I see Percy beginning to eat.

Heading upstairs to my bathroom, I wash up, brush my teeth and get dressed into a nice pair of high waist jeans and a pretty white tee. I pair the fit with my favorite blue and white Air Forces and leave my hair down in its natural waves.

Fetching the backpack which I'd already filled last night after Callum had left, I run downstairs and grab the sandwich that my mom had made for me before she left this morning from the counter.

I put my keys in my pocket for the moment and bid goodbye to Percy for the day.

"Okay buddy. I've gotta go to school now. Take care of the house for me will you." I bend down to meet Percy's height while he sat upright with his tongue out.

I stroke his head a few times gently and kiss him on the cheek before I leave. He nods his head a little and before I close the front door, I take one last look at him. Oh, I was gonna miss him today, and I was sure that my pup would miss me too.

The plan for today was that Callum would pick me up and we'd go to school together. We'd discussed it last night.

He waves to me from the driver's seat in his car with one window open. The R8 was parked in front of my driveway. Realising that he'd been waiting for me, I rush towards him and get in the car immediately.

"Sorry. I was reluctant to leave Percy alone." I apologise.

"It's alright, I understand. Shall we leave?" He turns to me away from the steering wheel.

"Yeah, let's go."

I was...not so excited for senior year.

In about ten minutes, we reached the front gate, which was open to let the cars into the parking lot. Unfortunately, we were 2 minutes late, (not actually late, just makes it hard to find parking) and hence we had to search for a spot somewhere outside the gates. Thankfully, we found a place very close by.

We get out of the car and I take a deep breath like I'd always do in front of the iron gate before I stepped in. Callum followed me trying to catch up to my pace of walking and I turn to wait for him.

"Why are you nervous? That's my job." He chuckles placing an arm on my back rubbing it softly.

"Well, I don't know. I don't like high school."

I don't know about that anymore now that he's here.

He laughs at my childish pout face. As I'm about to leave him behind, he pulls me back by the shoulders to face him straight in the eye.

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