Chapter 9. The Night.

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Faith's POV.

I walk out of the *squeaky-clean* kitchen that I'd just cleaned for summer cleaning. Yes, it's a thing we do in this household. Like spring cleaning, we have summer cleaning.

I make my way to the garage with an empty cardboard box where I see my dad getting into his car, probably leaving for the hospital.

"Going already?" I place the box down onto a small shelf where I'd kept my old collection of dolls.

"Sorry hon. It's an emergency." He looks back at me with pity.

Of course I understood.

People were dying, and they were helping them. But come on, on a weekend.

Couldn't they just be dying some other day. Normally, me and my parents do summer cleaning together. At least, we're supposed to. But something always comes up.

So, I make my own plans, but this year, it seems that I have none.

After he leaves, I continue with my plans of taking everything down from the shelves of stuff we have in the currently filthy garage.

I got rid of all the possible trash we had piled up in those boxes, mainly my doll boxes with cute trash I used to hoard. I still think it's cute okay?

I grab the same cardboard box which was now full of trash and take it outside to put it next to the garbage bins where the truck would collect them on Monday.

I scuff the dust off my hands and place them on my hips. God was it a hot day today. I could feel the sweat forming on my head and I wipe it off with the back on my hand.

Finally, I'm done with the cleaning. Now it's just organizing.

As I'm about to head back inside, I hear my name being called out.

I turn back and look across the street to find Callum on his porch sipping a cup of tea, at least I thought it was tea.

I wave back and smile. He descends down the old, wooden stairs and walks over to my lawn, observing the box I'd left.


I nod my head.

"That's a lot of doll boxes in there." He chuckles and I glare at him.

"They're precious, okay? But I have to get rid of them." I let out a loud sigh in surrender.

"Can I possibly, help in any way?" He asks and with those eyes, how could I possibly resist.

"Fine. Follow me." I return to the garage with him behind me.

He sets down his tea on the woodwork table after taking one last sip not leaving a single drop in the hollow of the teacup.

There were about at least sixteen plastic boxes sprawled across the tiled floor. We looked at each other clearly aware of the work that awaited us. It was actually just putting the boxes back up but they were rather heavy. But hey, there's a very strong man here. I'll pretend I'm weak.

I start with the doll boxes, I seal them tightly with duct tape and lift them up in my arms one by one placing them on the shelves on the far right side.

Meanwhile, he puts up all the décor and old kitchen equipment that we don't use anymore.

I groan and stretch my arms out while Callum down at me from the ladder he was standing on.

"Already tired?" He questions with his eyebrows raised.

"I've been doing this all morning. Don't judge, okay?" I take a seat at the small bench inside and lean my back against the cold, grey wall.

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