Chapter 8. Intruder

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Faith's POV:

It was about eleven pm in the night and Callum had just dropped me off at my front door on my wooden porch. After waiting to see him head inside and close the door on his way, I head home twisting my keys with a little keychain (which I got at the aquarium) into the iron keyhole.

Entering, to my surprise, I find the lights on. There's no way that I left them on. I'm one hundred percent sure I didn't. Could there be someone at home? But mom's out of town and my dad had to operate in a surgery tonight.

Wait. Tonight I didn't check if I locked the door twice.

What if that jinxed it? What if there's stranger here? Or a kidnapper? Or a robber? Faith, stop panicking and use the brain your parents sent you to school for.

I tiptoe quietly through the extending corridor to reach the living room to check if anyone was there. I rush towards the kitchen and attempt to open the drawers with utmost silence to avoid the 'stranger' from hearing me. I lay my fingers on a knife, one that I'd kept away from the knife cabinet just for situations like this. Just in case, I grab a frying pan too.

Wait. I should call for help. Yeah. But what if this is my imagination?

But my life's in danger. Okay.

I pull my phone out of my back pocket and put it on 'Do not Disturb' to avoid any sound and text Callum as fast as I can.

'I think there's someone at my house and I'm too scared to check out who it is. Can you please come to help?

Come through the front door. I left it open but be as quiet as you can.'

I send the message and it says 'delivered.'

Callum's POV:

I set my ball-point pen down on my desk as I'd just finished writing a letter to Faith as I'd always done in my own blue notebook.

The same instant, I hear my phone notification sound and grasp it from off my bed where I'd initially left it.

It was Faith.

Was there an intruder? Did we forget to lock the door? I had to go. She needs my help.

I reply at the speed of light, 'Be there in less than a minute.'

Completely forgetting to lock my own door, I run across the street to her lawn taking cautious steps towards the door. Ascending the steps, I analyse the corridor, where a man's shoes had been left at the front.

A man.

Speeding up a little, I head to the kitchen after hearing the clearly audible footsteps upstairs.

"Faith?" I whisper as quietly as I can be.

I turn around to see her holding a knife and frying pan pointed towards me.

"Oh. Sorry." She lowers her 'weapons' and my tensed muscles relax. I place a hand on her shoulder gently to make her a relax a little, assuring her that I was here to help with the situation. She hands me the frying pan. Seems like she'd taken the 'Tangled' thing a little seriously.

She stands behind me as we ascend the carpeted stairs, careful with the sound of our footsteps. Thank God. For once, no creak sounds. We reached the top and headed towards the master bedroom, where a small lamp appeared to be turned on by someone.

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