Chapter 11. A Conference...

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Faith's POV:

After talking for a while until the clock stroke midnight, we both decided it was best for me to go home. I waved goodbye and returned to my house across the street.

As I reached home, I was surprised to find my mom in the kitchen, talking to my dad about something. Their laughs and giggles were heard in the corridor and I joined them sitting on the black metal stool in front of the kitchen peninsula.

"I thought you'd be gone two weeks?" I leaned on the counter with one hand under my chin smiling at my mother who looked awfully tired.

"Well things with the flu got better much quicker than expected thankfully, so I came home!" She stroked my back lightly and gave me a soft kiss on the forehead.

"I'm glad. Will you have a day off tomorrow?" I ask with eyes full of hope.

"No, I'm sorry sweetie. There's a lot of deliveries this month so I have to be at the hospital a long time in case any of my patients go into labour. Any reason why?" She apologises with guilt that she'd gotten used to having by now.

"Oh nothing! I just hoped... that we'd get to spend some time together. That's all but I understand!" I reassure her.

"She's a smart girl Grace. She understands." My dad enters the conversation and smiles at me softly from beside me where he seemed to be having a midnight snack.

"Yeah..." But the truth was, the reason it hurt the most, is because I understand.

"So where were you? It's past midnight." My mom looks up at me with genuine curiosity searching my eyes for an answer.

"At the neighbor's house. Me, Allegra, and Leo have a new friend named Callum. He just moved across the street and we hung out there for the evening, although it stretched quite far."

"This boy, I quite like him Grace. I trust him to keep her safe. He seems like he's good at fighting with a frying pan." Dad remarks with a smirk on his face turning in my direction.

"Oh really? That's interesting..." Mom grins in my direction with widened eyes.

"He owns a record label you know?" I declare in pride of Cal my gal.

"At eighteen?!" They exclaim in unison. I nod having their full attention.

"Hang out with this boy more Faith. Might be useful to you." My dad remarks and I roll my eyes at it.

"You know what's strange? The Alexander's haven't sold their house, so how this kid could be staying here?" Mom thinks to herself and gets my brain thinking too.

"Rent maybe?" I suggest and Mom nods in agreement.

"Well, I'm off to bed. Goodnight guys." I head upstairs to my room closing the door properly and jump onto my well-made bed. I slip under the covers and switch all the lights off from the side of my bed.

The next morning, as I'm having another one of my fruit salads for breakfast, I realize that today is the last day of summer vacay before school starts.

I immediately leave in the message in the group chat reminding everyone. Before I knew it, responses were sent instantly.

Allegra: We should meet up again and give Callum a good briefing on how everything works.

Leo: Yeah. You're right. It's very important. Keep a white-board and markers ready.

Callum: Is it really that big of a deal?! I'm scared now.

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