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Season 2 episode 6▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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Season 2 episode 6

"I want the pizza, can we have the pizza?" Olivia asks stood outside of Maddie's place placing the Pizzas on the plastic wrap which covered the couch. "Later Liv." Buck laughs as him Eddie and Olivia all look at the Pizzas. "How we gonna fit it inside again?" Olivia asks looking at the couch and the door. "Maybe we pop the hinges off the door." Eddie suggest as Buck turns his head to Eddie and Olivia. "Or we use the jaws of life." Buck also suggests as Eddie and Olivia point agreeing. "No, no, no it has to fit I measured it twice, can't you just you know turn it around the other way?" Maddie asks looking at them. "And then the pizza will slide off." Buck says looking at the pizza. "You have pizza on my new sofa?" Maddie asks grabbing them pizza of the sofa. "It's on the plastic and Liv's idea." Buck tells her as Maddie looks at Olivia before walking back inside. "Not cool Evan." Olivia frowns before the three start lifting the sofa inside. "Lift with your legs!" Chimney shouts over at them. "We will Chim!" Olivia shouts back before they drag the sofa inside the room. "Hey thank you guys, for helping me on your day off." Maddie says appreciatively. "Don't worry about it, plates?" Eddie asks grabbing the Pizzas. "Countertop kitchen." Maddie tells him as Olivia stretches her back. Olivia and Buck walk over to Maddie before she starts smiling. "He is so cute." Maddie tells them pointing into the kitchen. "Yeah he gets that a lot, uh you should meet his kid though." Buck replies making Maddie confused. "Wait Chimney has a kid?" Maddie questions shocked. "No I thought you meant- ." Buck couldn't finish his sentence because Maddie walked off. "Oh my.." Olivia laughs tapping his back walking off.

Olivia and the rest of the firefighters are called to a scene with a helicopter involved. "My worst fear is coming true." Olivia gritted her teeth together looking over at the helicopter. "All right guys we're gonna fan out go behind those bleachers, Eddie after we get the people out think you can kill that engine?" Bobby asks him shouting. "Think so, I'm just worried about the dynamic rollover." Eddie shouts leaving Buck confused. "The dynamic what?" Buck asks as Eddie looks over at him. "We change the weight ratio by pulling people out whole thing could tip over, rotors could fall off." Eddie informs him slightly concerned. "And then flying rocks are gonna be the least of our problems." Buck adds on before Olivia sighs. "All right, visors down let's go!" Bobby shouts as all of them pull their visors down heading over to the helicopter. "Buck Liv get her out of there!" Bobby shouts over. "On it cap." Buck shouts back as Olivia swings the door open as Buck goes to Grab Taylor before the helicopter starts rolling. Buck grabbed onto Taylor's leg grabbing her out and taking her to get checked out. "Pulse ox is good, we can get rid of this." Olivia says taking the oxygen mask off Taylor. "How are you doing?" Athena asks Taylor who's shaken up. "I'm not sure, How's Trent is he okay?" Taylor asked concerned about the pilot. "Your pilots gonna be just fine." Athena smiled as Taylor glanced at Buck. "Hey do me a favour and say and on the 405 speeds are under five miles an hour making your morning commute a rough one." Buck says looking at Taylor smirking making Olivia frown slightly. "Seriously?" Hen asks surprised at Buck. "I- I know that voice,It's uh Taylor Kelly reporting right? Right sky witness news eight." Buck exclaims excitedly making Taylor smile. "That's me." She replies smiling more as Olivia and Athena roll their eyes. "Wow its uh, it's weird to hear that voice come out of a face." Buck says nervously making Taylor tilt her head. "Thank you?" Taylor questioned laughing slightly. "You have helped me beat traffic in this city, more times than you will ever know." Buck smiles looking at Taylor. "Oh you might want to uber tomorrow." Taylor laughs along Buck as Hen and Athena begin to walk off. "What a type you have Buckley." Olivia laughs walking off with the rest of them.

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