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Episode 1, season 1


"Olivia you're gonna be late!" Alyssa shouted out to her best friend who was currently stood at the sink washing her face sighing. "No I won't i'm never late." Olivia says walking out the bathroom with a smug smile making Alyssa rolls her eyes. "Well you're officially two minutes late now so." Alyssa laughed looking at the now panicked girl. "Oh!" Olivia shouted out tying her shoe laces. "Have fun at work and don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Olivia tells her best friend before running out the house. "So don't get my head lost in a book? Sounds easy enough." Alyssa smiled putting her jacket on leaving the house.


Olivia strolled into work with the same old smile trying to convince herself it was gonna be an easy shift. She walked into the locker room to get dressed and was met with an Evan Buckley who was smirking about what he did before the shirt started. "What's got you all smiley? wait don't tell me." Olivia said with a half smirk on her face whilst buttoning up her shirt. "Life is amazing liv and so is-" Buck was interrupted by a loud gag of Hen. "Don't even finish that sentence Buckley." Hen tells him whilst he rolls his eyes at her. "I'm so not ready for this shift." Olivia yawned stretching her arms out. "You're never ready for anything it's a common theme with you." Buck tells her laughing before she stomps on his foot. Hen laughed at the two before the bell went off. "I'm ready for this so you're wrong." Olivia hit his back running of to the engine.


A kid had hit his head and feel into the pool drowning and was currently unconscious. They all rushed outside where the boy was lying before Bobby gives them orders. "Okay Buck start chest compressions, Hen start bagging him." Bobby commands them whilst Olivia takes the mom away talking to her trying to get more information about the incident. The boy coughs out the water and ends up being fine whilst Olivia lets out a sigh of relief.

Olivia stood with Hen helping her set the table whilst Chimney spoke about his love life. "I know exactly what that polite, distant smile means, she's bored one foot out the door. This woman's so far out of my league but she's just once in a lifetime I can't let her go." Chimney says groaning Olivia laughs shaking her head. "Lots of fish in the sea." Bobby tells her hoping it would cheer him up. "Not with the bait he's using." Hen jokes making Olivia choke on a bit of food she was stealing out the pan. "Cruel but true." Chimney tells Hen patting Olivia's back. "I met her on this new dating site just for cops and firefighters RomancingTheUniform.Com, she's an adrenaline junkie so foreplay is me telling her stories about running into burning buildings and jumping into icy lakes an-" Chimney was explaining before Hen interrupted. "I'm sorry wait remind me when is the last time you ran into or jumped over anything?" Hen questioned gaining a nod of Olivia. "She's right I haven't seen you do that in forever." Olivia chuckled placing the plate matts down. "I embellish a little." Chimney smirks making Olivia chuckle softly. "Oh noted!" Hen exclaims in a sarcastic manner. "I'm telling you, the uniform is a major aphrodisiac." Chimney says clapping his hands together as Buck pulls up in the fire engine. "No need to question where that firehose has been." Olivia rolls her eyes pouring herself a drink. "I think it's time for a new nickname just call him Buck, or Buckaroo." Chimney tells her trying not to laugh. "He calls himself it!" Olivia throws her hands up defence before sitting down. Buck comes up the stairs thriving in happiness whilst the others all share the same look dishing their dinner out. He goes over to the bowl grabbing some spaghetti by his hands making Olivia frown and move the bowl away. "Absolutely not, wash those hands before touching this amazing food!" Olivia exclaims whilst Buck lets out a soft chuckle. "What if we had a call?" Bobby asks him. "I was in the neighbourhood I was just uh, getting it washed." Buck explains eating some food whilst Olivia shakes her head. "They charge you extra for the full detail ?" Chimney asks looking over at him. "Oh yeah, yeah." Buck replies with his mouth full but still managing to laugh. "Listen I like you, you're a good firefighter, I know we got thing you call me pops and I give you a hard time for being a dumbass kid we went to a springsteen concert together. But this is not a family it's not a clubhouse so i'm writing you up." Bobby explains to Buck who looks at him in disbelief. "Come on Bobby see the fire put out the fire the rest is blah blah." Buck tells him whilst Olivia lets out a small scoff shaking her head. "No. The system and the rules are not arbitrary first infraction, two more you're out wash your hands." Bobby tells him leaving Buck confused as always. "Maybe now he'll listen about washing his hands." Olivia jokes before Buck gets up walking off. "You know you're not helping him by going easy on him." Chimney says looking at him whilst Bobby sighs. "He just needs a little direction." Bobby tells him making Olivia roll her eyes. "I'll remind you of that after he gets you killed ." Chimney exhales passing Bobby the salad bowl. Just then the bell goes of making everyone groan. "I was so looking forward to the food man!" Olivia sighs standing up before grabbing a piece of garlic bread with Hen running off.

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