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season 3, episode 6▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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season 3, episode 6

"Cause this isn't gonna be creepy at all." Olivia comments walking behind Chimney.
"Two of my students they were attacked by crows they're trapped in there ." Ms Beckerson says pointing over at the red barn. "I think i've seen this movie." Chimney calls out staring at the barn. "Okay let's gear up turnouts and head protection let's go." Bobby tells his team as they all gear up before walking over to the barn. "What?" Liv asks turning to Chimney who's kneeling down picking something up of the floor.  "Damn clasp." Chimney resorts picking his name tag back up. "It's fine Chim, forget the name tag we all know who you are." Hen responds walking closer. "This is weird you see crows all over the city never heard them attacking anybody." Eddie voices furrowing his brows together. "And that's because crows are very docile they don't attack unless they're provoked, no sudden movements and we should be good." Olivia informs them rubbing her eyes.  A crow flies over landing near the five and they all stare at it. "Everybody stay calm ." Bobby exclaims as they slowly make their way to the barn doors. "Over here Deans cut up real bad." Riley calls out removing himself of the haystack. "How bout you, you okay?" Bobby asks looking at him. "Yeah I think." Riley replies nodding. "Eddie Check him out." Bobby tells Eddie who goes over to Riley. "All right kiddo let's get you up so we can take a look." Chimney says looking at Deans neck which was bitten and bloody from the crows. "All right let's those irrigated and make sure no major arteries were hit." Hen responds going into her bag. "Major arteries? Am I gonna die?" Dean panics looking at the firefighters. "She was joking." Olivia tells him shaking her head. "So Dean tell me  those cries just attacked you guys from outta nowhere?" Hen asks Dean raising a brow. "It was crazy, tell em Riley." Dean looks at his friend. "Uh yeah. it was like they were possessed or something." Riley tells them nervously. "So it wasn't because you were throwing rocks at them?" Olivia asks crossing her arms together. "He did it!" Riley shouts out pointing at Dean. "Liar!" Dean calls out. "I tried to stop him!" Riley exclaims blaming his friend. "Shut up." Dean glares at Riley. "They know we're in here." Chimney calls out shaking his head. "No. They know the kids are in here, they remember faces and shi- crap." Olivia tells them smirking at her knowledge. "How do we get these guys past them?"  Eddie asks looking at Olivia. "Well we could cover their faces." Olivia shrugs as they nod. Hen covers Deans face with a bandage and Bobby gives Riley his helmet. "So what happens if they fly over here?" Chimney asks. "If you make eye contact with a crow it could change its behaviour." Olivia replies rolling her lips together. "For better or worse?" Eddie questions. "No one's quite sure on that." Olivia then looks at the crows surrounding them. "Woah guys!" Chimney shouts out. "Okay he's making eye contact with me he's not attacking go!" Chimney shouts as they all transport Dean to the ambulance.

"You two think you can handle it? Teal bucket is for kids with food allergies. Everything in there is nut free, dairy free, egg free, soy free snd gluten free." Bobby explains to Liv and Buck pointing at the teal bucket. "And who are these for? Kids allergic to fun?" Buck resorts holding a smoke alarm. "Those are for the parents." Bobby replies placing it down. "Also there should be some pamphlets about basic fire safety that should be in the closet ." Bobby tells the two. "Exactly how long are you gonna keep on punishing me?" Buck questions raising a brow. "You know, Buck someday you're gonna figure out when to stop pushing and learn some patience I hope we're both alive to see it." Bobby says walking off. "Doubt it." Olivia responds rolling her lips. "Oh come on." Buck shakes his head. "You know being stuck here isn't the end of the world you could just clean the place up suck it up and deal with it." Olivia glances over at him. "What cap said." Buck says butting his cheek. "He's not always wrong you know." Olivia stretches her arms out. "But he is about the smoke alarms, no one is gonna pick them up." Olivia laughs slightly before stopping. "I am gonna hand them out anyway captains orders." Buck replies saluting. Olivia shakes her head trying not to laugh at him. "Let's go look for those pamphlets Buckley." Olivia exhales walking off.

"That's it get your candy." Buck tells the kids  yawning slightly. "Hey, woah. woah sorry Buddy two piece limit those are the rules." Buck adds in looking at the kid. "That's a stupid rule." The boy calls out making Liv laugh. "Yeah not the worlds greatest defense strategy." Buck voices tilting his head at the kid. "This is all yours Buck." Olivia takes a piece of candy looking back and forth at the kid and Buck. "Oh Eddie you wanna give us a hand with all this?" Buck asks gaining Eddie's attention. "Nah you got this, you're one hundred percent lawsuit proved that right?" Eddie questions walking off. "How much longer are you guys gonna be mad at me?" Buck asks looking at Liv. "For as long as we'd like to Buck." Olivia replies rolling her lips. "Livy Buck!" Amelia shout out collecting candy. "Mills! What are you doing here?" Buck asks picking the girl up. "I told my dad to let me come visit you guys." Amelia laughed looking at them. "I think it's so cool you're a firefighter again that means you and my sister are friends again right?" Amelia asks after being put down. "Uh-" "Yeah, friends again." Olivia nodded not wanting her sister to be caught up in the cross fire. "Yay! Well happy halloween." Amelia smiles waving goodbye walking off. "You said that for Amelia right?" Buck asked furrowing his brows together. "Yup." Olivia nodding and walking off. "Liv is that how it's gonna be now?" Buck asks following her. "You  didn't think  to realise your actions, your choices they impact the rest of us, that's what  it means to be apart of a team." Olivia replies placing a hand on her hip. "You're right. I didn't think about what could happen. I was mad at Bobby for not letting me back,  I was mad at you guys for moving on without me. I was mad that there was nothing I could do about it and i just- I just wanted to-" "Punch someone?" Liv asks interrupting him. "Yeah a little but I get it and I am really sorry so whatever it takes for you to forgive me-" "I forgive you, but you need to speak to Eddie and make it right with him too. Also don't do it again." Olivia jokes snapping her fingers together at him. Buck shakes his head laughing bringing her into a hug, Liv hugs back letting go a few seconds after. "Cap wants you." Liv points walking off.


"They're just friends. Again." Jordy says rolling her eyes. "We're being mature Jordy, maybe you could try it." Olivia laughs leaning back on the seat. "Shade." Alyssa shakes her head looking at her phone. "Liv why is Lola sending me a photo of her outside of the house?" Alyssa asks looking up at the phone turning it around on them. "What the what." Olivia stands up going over to the door opening. "Missed me?" Lola asks with her arms spread out. "Lola!" Olivia exclaims hugging the girl. "Girl you got back just in time, Liv here has had it rough ever since you've left." Alyssa tells Lola who walks in sitting down. "I'm gonna go see Cal it's nice to see you Lola." Jordyn smiles walking out.

"So let me get this straight, Ben from high school kidnapped you and tried killing you, Joseph breaks up with you, Your dad ends up in hospital, Your ex boyfriends leg gets crushed by a ladder truck, the same ex boyfriend grows blood clots making him cough up blood everywhere? And then he sues the fire department?" Lola asks swirling her glass of wine around. "Yup." Olivia nods taking a sip of the wine. "And now you two are just friends ?" Lola questions with an eyebrow raised. "I'm a child of divorce it's not okay." Alyssa cries out wiping her none existent tears. "Come on ." Olivia shakes her head. "Your life got very messy Ollie." Lola chuckles. "Yeah well you weren't around for it so." Olivia looks down slightly tucking her hair behind her ears. "I'm sorry for leaving you but im here for you now." Lola says firmly making the two girls look at her. "What do you mean? You're staying? Like here in La?" Alyssa's eyes lighten. "I missed you guys, So I decided to put a transfer in, i'm working with A Athena Grant?" Lola questions as Olivia shoots out from her seat. "That's like Livs mom! long story! That's cool as hell!" Alyssa brings Lola into a hug. "Wait Lola did you know the Evan she dated was the same Evan she met at the hospital when you went with her." Alyssa smirks. "No way!" Lola laughs leaning back. "Gosh i've missed this, all we need is Dani now." Lola laughs looking at the two. "About that.." Alyssa looks down. "Aly what did you do?" Lola and Liv both ask her. "I may or may not of told her to quit her job and come here instead-"

A/N: I hate this chapter but wanted to keep y'all fed ily all!!

word count: 1638

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