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A/N: if there's a lot of mistakes that's because i started writing this at 4am

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A/N: if there's a lot of mistakes that's because
i started writing this at 4am..
season 3 episode 1

"Are we late?" Olivia asks holding Amelia walking down the stairs. "The guest of honour hasn't arrived yet." Michael replies walking over to Liv giving her a hug with his free arm. "This place looks awesome!" Amelia shouts out making Michael and Athena laugh. "So the first official party of the Grant Nash household ." Olivia laughs hugging Athena. "I can't believe it actually happened." Olivia laughs. "Or that none of us were invited." Michael says walking off. "See here we go again. I told you don't take it personally." Athena tells Michael as he shakes his head. "Don't take it personally That i ain't get you guys no gift." Chimney calls out making everyone laugh. "Aly! Move that to the left." Athena tells Alyssa who's still playing on that fact that arm hurts despite it being healed months ago. "But my arm-" "If you move it i'll give you Eddie's number." Olivia smiles and Alyssa runs off to do it. "You're not actually gonna do that are you?" Michael asks with an eyebrow raised. "No! I like Eddie too much to do that." Olivia makes everyone laugh. "And they're almost here." Chimney calls out. "And we are almost ready?" Eddie asks looking at Bobby who nods. "Sorry Bobby no sign of any other platters me and Maya searched high and low." May tells Bobby rushing out. "I saw your mom put some stuff in the shed maybe check in there." Bobby suggests. "The shed? Cause that ain't creepy at all." Amayah shrugs walking inside after hearing the door bell ring. "Surprise!" Everyone shouts out as Buck jumps holding his chest. Buck then walks upto Olivia and Eddie hugging them both then he makes his way round to people.
"I still can't believe you managed to keep quiet about a party. You love parities ." Buck laughs holding Olivia's hand. "Well what can I say." Olivia chuckles. Before Chris makes his way over to Buck handing him a picture. "Wow thanks Buddy. Buddy wow, this is great." Buck says taking the picture smiling. "It's you and me." Christopher replies smiling. "Oh, and what's that?" Buck asks pointing at a bit in the picture. "It's a surfboard right?" Eddie says looking down at Chris. "Oh, ho, ho, ho." Buck laughs. "He's obsessed." Eddie tells them. "Dear Buck you are an awesome firefighter love christopher . Very sweet Christopher thank you." Buck smiles hugging Christopher. Olivia watches in awe ever since the accident happened she's been with him through the good and the bad. It was nice to see him happy again. "I'm gonna go say hi to people i'll come back for you later." Olivia kisses Buck before walking off. "It's still going well with you two?" Athena asks stopping Liv. "Yeah, it's going great actually." Olivia smiles looking over at Buck. "It's nice to see you happy like this Liv. If I knew all it would take was dating Buck I would've set you up a long time ago." Athena says laughing. "I just wanna know how Bobby found out, I mean was it that obvious?" Olivia asks looking at Athena. "Well I wouldn't say that, Amayah might've mentioned something here and there." Athena laughs. "Of course she did." Olivia chuckles shaking her head. Olivia keeps an eye on Buck and catches him holding his chest from time to time. She grows even more concerned when he starts coughing he keeps coughing holding his chest. Olivia starts to walk over as he coughs up blood. "..Buck?" Bobby and Liv question looking at him. He then chokes blood up falling down. "Buck!" Olivia shouts out rushing over.

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