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Season 2 episode 15▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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Season 2 episode 15

Olivia was on edge ever since her dad came out of the hospital. She was having panic attacks more often and her head space definitely wasn't stable. Olivia jumps out the engine  heading into the bank, walking into the vault behind Bobby and Hen. "Same as the Courier out front. Exhibiting extreme muscle spasms, Cap pupils are dilated." Hen says trying to help the man on the floor. "I don't know what I'm looking at here, Liv?" Bobby asks turning to Liv. "I'm not sure, Eddie?" Liv questions hoping Eddie would know what's up with the man. "Could be a nerve agent." Eddie claims as they look at him. "You've seen that before?" Liv asks taking a quick glance at the man. "Been trained for it, symptoms all line up, the fact we have multiple people down I can't say for sure until we run some tests." Eddie tells them before Bobby, Eddie, and Liv started backing up. "All right Hen, back away ." Bobby demand her as Bobby runs out and Olivia and Eddie follow behind. "Everybody stop what you're doing right now. Chimney Buck, step away step away I need everybody's attention." Bobby tells them firmly. "We are now preparing for a possible chemical exposure incident that means nobody in nobody out. We can't risk spreading whatever may be present here ." Bobby speaks as The vault door begins closing on Hen. "Hen!" Olivia shouts out running and everyone else follows but they don't get to her intime and it closes. Bobby exhales grabbing his radio. "Hen do you copy?" Bobby asks. "I'm here cap making myself comfortable." Hen says radioing in. "Not to comfortable Hen you'll be out soon." Olivia tells her speaking into her radio. "How do we open this?" Bobby asks one of the workers. "Uh we don't. The vault operates on a time lock it won't reopen until the start of  business tomorrow." What if it's an emergency?" Olivia asks placing a hand on her head sighing. "There is a number for the vault company on mr Prentiss' desk ." The woman replies. "Show me." Bobby tells her firmly as the woman walks over rooting through the drawer.

Everyone puts on protective gear as more units  come through Olivia, gets told to go for some air so she walks outside and as she's heading out a van beeps at her. She frowns walking over to the van. "Yes?" She questions looking at the man.  "What's going on?" The man asks but Liv can't hear him through the stuff she's wearing. "I can't hear you. I got this thing on my head." Olivia shouts pointing. "What? I can't leave this truck. The window does not roll down." The man shouts again Olivia just nods. "Yeah! Okay?" Olivia shrugs walking off.

They turn the power off and start trying to drill into the to make a hole into the vault for more oxygen. "Personally I think we should call Michael and ask for his help, he builds stuff like this right?" Olivia suggests as Bobby nods. "Good idea Liv, i'm gonna go call him now." Bobby says walking off calling Michael. Olivia paced up and down taking deep breaths panicked for both Hen and her dad. "Liv you good?" Buck asks noticing the girl distancing herself away from the others. "Yeah- I'm good! Just a little stressed." Olivia put a fake smile on her face. "Your dad doing okay?" Buck asks genuinely caring. "Yeah, he was last time J checked." Olivia replies picking the skin of her lip. Buck looks at her just wanting to do something anything but Bobby calls the two over and they change back into the gear and wear their helmets. "Okay, we start drilling here, and here." Bobby says looking at his team pointing at the wall. "Creating a crumple zone." Eddie states as Bobby nods. "Exactly." Bobby replies. "Then what?" Buck questions with an eye brow raised. "Then I have an idea, but we got to soften it up first." Bobby tells them as Olivia's mouth makes an O shape. "Soften up a foot of concrete..?" Olivia asks tilting her head to the side. "Yeah, it beats three layers of tempted steel let's do it." Buck smirks. They start to drilling into the wall and Then smashing it in. "Okay, Chim I need you back inside eyes on the vault cam. If we're compromising their safety in anyways you got to let me know ." Bobby demands and  Chimney nods. "Copy that cap." Chimney says before rushing off.  The winch plans fails and Olivia shakes her head as Bobby gets a phone call. "Patient zero, the armoured car courier just died at the hospital ." Bobby informs them and the others  all share the same concerned face. "They know what it was yet?" Eddie asks. "No they did say that no one else is exhibiting symptoms." Bobby tells them and Olivia scoffs. "Yeah no one else except them- except Hen." Olivia shakes her head scoffing. Buck knew he had to do something to put the girls mind at ease so that's exactly what he does. "Screw this." Buck calls out going into the fire engine. "Buck-" Bobby says and Buck shakes his head. "No stand back!" Buck shouts out as he started moving the engine which the winch was still attached to and the wall starts crumbling.  He breaks through it and They all rush over looking through seeing that the vault door had opened. "Seriously?" Buck questions staring at the scene from the hole.
They all get Hen and the man out saving them as they got transported to the hospital. "I don't get it she doesn't appear to be symptomatic anymore, bak manger was up and talking too." Chimney explains. "Because it wasn't a nerve agent." Eddie informs him. "Uh, chief Bowman said all those tests came back negative no environmental toxics whatsoever." Bobby informs them. Olivia furrows her brows together shaking her head. "Weird." Olivia speaks following her friends. "So what the hell was that?" Chimney asks just as confused as the rest of them. "No idea." Bobby tells him honestly. "At least this guy was finally able to get out of here." Buck says hitting the van.

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