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Season 2 episode 10▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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Season 2 episode 10

"Evan Buckley, Alyssa is the next room please and I mean please sneak out carefully." Olivia laughed buttoning her shirt back up. "I'm like a Ninja no one will ever see me coming or going." Buck replies making Olivia laugh. "You're such a dork." Olivia walked over to him. "And?" Buck questioned looking down at the girl. "And." Olivia kissed him and he kissed backed. "It's honestly funny to see someone be so dorky." Olivia chuckles fixing his shirt for him."Yeah, yeah." Buck put his arms over Olivia's neck looking down at her. Olivia smiled cupping the side of his face then planting a kiss on his lips. Buck kissed back before there was a knock on the bedroom door. "Like a ninja." Buck whispered pulling away grabbing a Santa hat of Olivia's nightstand wearing. finding a hiding place.


Bobby and his team rushed over to the man who had just fell of the roof?? "Sir can you move at all?" Bobby ask the man who was laying down on the floor in pain. "It hurts." The man shouts out. "Okay probably a good sign just stay still can you tell me how this happened?" Bobby asked. "Snowman pushed me off the roof." The man tells them as Olivia hides her laughter by covering her mouth on Buck's shoulder. "Sorry guys."  Olivia stood up straight looking at her co workers. "Bloods pressures one twenty over seventy respirations good." Chimney informs them. "All right yeah, do we move him over a little bit?" Bobby asks as his team nod moving the man. "Doesn't appear to be any spinal damage." Eddie says looking at them. "Let's him on a backboard ." Bobby says before the lift the man up moving him. "Oh looks like the baby Jesus broke your fall." Chimney says holding his laughter in. "That's a Christmas miracle." Buck added as Olivia kept her composure but untimely laughing. "I'm sorry guys I apologise." Olivia just laughed harder before her and the rest of the team transported the man.


"You need a new Christmas tree liv." Amayah laughed looking at the tree. "Hey! The tree is perfectly fine!" Olivia frowned turning to her sister. "I'm with Maya on this, you've had this tree for years think like  Sharpay it's out with the old and in with the new." Alyssa smiled. Olivia rolls her eyes before throwing a cushion at Alyssa. "Fine, we'll get a new Christmas tree or whatever." Olivia sighed before getting tackled down by Alyssa and Amayah.  "oh jeez-" Olivia laughed sitting back up.


"How longs he been in the air?" Buck asks sat in the fire engine. "Plane took off from LAX Eighteen minutes ago it was diverted to Socal airport." Bobby tells them as Olivia frowns slightly. "Eighteen minutes it's nearly long enough to reach altitude it's not good. Cargo isn't pressurised or heated." Eddie explains. "I thought coach was bad." Chimney smirks. "Guys make sure we have two warming blankets standing by." Olivia says bouncing her leg up and down. "Copy that." Chimney nods. Buck looks over at Olivia and sees her leg bouncing up and down he pulls his brows together wanting to say something but they arrive at the scene. "Put your lights on let's go Chim." Bobby tells Chimney as everyone rushes to the plane. "oh joy."Chimney calls out looking at all the boxes. "Looks like we're opening presents early this year huh?" Buck says walking behind everyone else. "Clock is ticking guys, we've got to find this kid. Dispatch said he was having trouble breathing even before he went up in the air." Bobby explains before they hear a phone ring. "Wait do you guys hear that?" Olivia asks looking at them. "Stethoscope?" Olivia takes a stethoscope of Eddie placing it on a box hearing the phone ring. "That's our guy!" Olivia shouts out as they begin to take the shrink wrap off. "I've got him he's in there he's in there." Buck shouts calls out.  Before Olivia cuts open the box and her Buck drag him out. They lift him onto the backboard. "He's cold cap." Chimney looks at Bobby before Olivia passes him the warming blankets. "Starting compressions!" Olivia shouts out starting the compressions. "How's he doing Eddie?" Bobby asks worriedly. "Still nothing." Eddie replies. Olivia starts to panic more looking at the boy. "Alright Buck Switch." Olivia calls out before her and Buck switch over. "Hold for pulse check." Eddie shouts out. "Still nothing." Eddie adds on.  Olivia watches picking at her lip. "come on.." She whispers under her breath. "I've got a pulse!" Eddie shouts out. "Welcome back Brandon." Bobby smiles at him. "I'm not dead?" Brandon asks weakly. "You're not dead." Olivia smiled before his phone rang. "Well someone really wants to talk to you." Chimney laughs looking at the phone. "She told me not to answer it." Brandon replies weakly. "Who did?" Olivia asks raising her brows. "Maddie the 911 lady. She said she would ring it for you to find me." Brandon explained before Chimney took the phone call.

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