The Lonesome Lonely

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As Ricky approached the parking lot to the apartment complex in which he resided in the sun dipped behind the silhouettes of countless trees. Ricky parked his car then hopped out and sat on the bumper and pulled out a cigarette from his pocket, lighting it up in the midst of the dark solemn sky. He blew into it and then out smoke surrounding him. It grew cold quickly, but Ricky seemed unaffected, a tear ran down his eye as a couple walked past him with a group of friends, a reminder to him of just how alone he was.

After the group passed Ricky got his guitar out of the car and slung the incased guitar over his shoulder and on his back. He looked over and saw the book, oh, I better not forget this, he thought to himself. With that he grabbed the book and put it in his right hand, then slammed the car door shut and locked it. He walked over towards the complex like a corpse, climbing up the stairs with noticeable somber stinging to his face. He pulled out a key and unlocked his apartment room, closing the door behind him. As soon as he entered he threw his clothes on and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a torn black tank top.

Afterwards he dug into the pantry, pulling out some ramen and putting it in the microwave for dinner. With that he thought about Ghost, how he was begging to go out for lunch with him. Ricky really wanted to spend some time outside practice with Ghost, after all their good friends and they haven't hung out in forever because life keeps getting in the way. But, Ricky couldn't afford to eat out, he has just enough for the rent this month and that's it. However he didn't want to make Ghost feel bad. So he decided to message him.
R: is Ricky and G: is Ghost

R: Hey Ghost?
G: What's up?
R: umm, you remember wanting to have lunch together tomorrow?
R: look, I really want to go but I don't have any money.
G: Hey it's no problem, I got you covered, infact I owe you fifty dollars so if that's it I got you dude.
R: Oh, thank you, Ghost
G: hey what are friends for? Look, I need to go take a shower talk to you later. Bye.
R: bye

*End of conversation*

With that Ricky pulled the ramen out of the microwave and sat on the bed. He opened the book and pryed it open to the first page. It had countless names written down in it. He tried to read some of them but it was illegible. To the side had either heart attack or suicide. It's a book of death. Yeah right. I picked up a pencil and tapped it against my chin and thought. Who do I hate? Joe Smith. He was always bullied me in school, beating me up as well as my friends and he continues to hate on us with an extrimety. I wrote the name and then closed the book. Sighing, I laid down on my bed and rolled over, pulling the covers over and went to sleep.

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