Make Me Blush

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As I turned around Ghost looked at me with a serious look, creasing his brows and scrunching up his face slightly. He then grabbed my wrist and lead to a super dark part of the backstage, it was night so it's even darker.

Ghost's POV

I lead Ricky to a private part of the backstage that no one really goes, it was now or never, go big or go home, and I had to do this before the show and lose confidence. I propped Ricky up against the wall, despite how dark it was I could still his blue eyes glowing and staring back at me. Now for the hard part getting the words out, and the right ones. " Ricky...," I gritted my teeth blushing hard. I didn't wait for him to respond," look I need to tell you something important," I took a deep breath.

" Really what is it," he inquired. " Well we have known each other for quite a while and every time I see you I get so excited I can barely control myself. But I also love to see you happy and I love helping you and watching you accomplish your goals and make your dreams turn into reality. And you are just the sweetest most compassionate guy I have ever met, are gorgeous. ," I barely said the last part, petrified, while Ricky just stood against the wall with his head tilted to the side. " What I am trying to say Ricky, is that I-I -I am in," I just couldn't put the words together. I just did the one other thing that came natural and I put my lips to his soft pale cheek, kissing it tenderly causing him to flush red.

I could feel him breathing heavier and heavier. Then the unexpectedly happened, within about twelve seconds I felt a pair of soft pierced lips on my left cheek, those were the lips that belonged only to Ricky Horror. I giggled after he removed his lips putting my arms around him. We decided to not tell the guys just to be on the safe side, except for Vinny who Ricky is going to talk with after the show, but Vinny is so docile and quiet that the other guys probably won't even know the two talked.

"Come on guys," I heard Chris yell over the sound of the roaring crowd indicating that it's time to go out on stage. Good thing is all the other guys were not out on stage yet so nothing looked the least suspicious. Me and Ricky kissed the other's cheek before going out , away from the others of course. I loved the feeling when his lips touched my skin it felt welcoming and gentle. Afterwards we decided that we are officially dating but to not make it obvious around the guys or anyone who might leak anything to others.

Ricky's POV

Ghost likes me???? Well I guess that should have been pretty obvious but still! After all that has happened I didn't think that I could be loved but apparently I can. I loved the way he kissed, it was so passionate, we are waiting for more serious affection until just a wee bit longer that way it will be even better after having to wait for it. I have liked Ghost for quite a while now my heart raced every time we would do anything but I was way too afraid to say anything, and now we are official. Maybe I should tell Vinny about this too, he's great at keeping secrets, especially since if you were on the outside you would swear he was mute. Guess I will figure out after the show. I also promised to take Ghost out on our first date when I have enough money and everything perfectly planned, definitely don't want to fuck this up.

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